Former Teacher Alberto Poli Accused of Attacking Students with Baseball Bat: Request for Conviction of 1.5 Years

He chased and attacked two students with a baseball bat in 2021. Accused of aggravated injuries for former teacher Alberto Poli, a request for a sentence of one and a half years has now arrived

The dramatic events date back to 14 February 2021. Three years later, the request was made on Wednesday 13 March 2024 by the Brescia Prosecutor’s Office of the sentence for the 59-year-old former teacher Alberto Poli on trial for attacking two students of the school where he worked.

He attacked two students with a baseball bat. Former professor Alberto Poli on trial for aggravated injuries. He requested a sentence of 1 and a half years. (

The professor had struck violently with a baseball bat two students from the professional institute of the province of Brescia. The young victims were both under the age of 14 at the time of the events.

The aggression

The attack dates back to the evening of Carnival on February 14, 2021. The two young people, students of the professional institute where the teacher worked at the time of the events Alberto Poli, they started throwing firecrackers into the street. A silly prank by the two 14-year-olds who annoyed the 59-year-old when some of the firecrackers ended up in the garden of the building where the professor lived with his family.

He attacked two students with a baseball bat. Former professor Alberto Poli on trial for aggravated injuries. He requested a sentence of 1 and a half years. (

When the teacher spots the perpetrators of the prank, he flies into a rage and leaves the house armed with a baseball bat. He chases the two students in his car. Shortly afterwards he hunts them down in a carpentry shop where the two boys, in the meantime, had taken refuge. After blocking them, the teacher beats them.

One of them suffers wounds that heal in three weeks. The other, however, suffered a deep cut on his head treated with over 20 stitches as well as injuries to his hands, wrist and shoulders. Develop, as a consequence of the fact, a post traumatic stress syndromecon 40 day prognosis.

The professor’s apology

After the serious event, Alberto Poli has apologized, denying, however, that he left the house armed. He claims, however, that he lost his mind “out of fear”, only after hearing the boys threatening to set fire to his house. For this reason he would have hit them with a piece of wood found in the carpentry shop just to defend himself and because he was very scared.

He confirmed that he was “sorry” for his reaction considered very disproportionate, and he apologized to the families of the two students through their lawyers, lawyers Marino Colosio and Francesca Scagliola. Of the two victims, one appears to have accepted the compensation by withdrawing from the proceedings.

While the other boy refused the compensation proposal and is still a civil party in the trial. For Professor Poli’s lawyerthe lawyer Luca Broli, your client deserves a limited sentence and generic recognition.

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The request for conviction

A year and a half and the request for conviction formulated by the prosecutors of the Brescia Public Prosecutor’s Office for the 59-year-old former teacher Alberto Poli. The man is accused in the trial on charges of aggravated injuries by the minor age of the victims and by the use of a weapon against two 14-year-old students.

The magistrate, Giovanni Pagliuca, in the last hearing had rejected the defense’s request for probation, an institution that would have guaranteed the accused the suspension of the trial. As a result, the proceedings have now come to a head and the parties held discussions last Wednesday. The sentence is scheduled for May 9th.

2024-03-15 08:37:12
#attacked #pupils #baseball #bat #Conviction #requested #professor #Alberto #Poli


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