Football: Teenager convicted after fatal blow on football pitch

Football 17-year-old perpetrator

Teenager sentenced after fatal blow on football pitch

As of: 4:02 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

After a fatal incident during youth football last year, the verdict for the perpetrator has now been determined

Quelle: picture alliance/SZ Photo/Leonhard Simon

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A teenager was fatally injured in a fight after a soccer tournament last year. The act was shocking. The attacker has now been convicted – and got off with a light sentence.

In the trial surrounding the fatal altercation after a youth soccer tournament in Frankfurt/Main, the 17-year-old teenager was sentenced to a suspended sentence of two years on Thursday. The court found the teenager guilty of intentional bodily harm and bodily harm resulting in death. “A standard juvenile sentence of two years will therefore be imposed on him, the execution of which will be suspended on probation,” the court said. This means that the young person, who has been in custody for ten months, can be released again.

According to the court, the public prosecutor’s office had pleaded for two years and three months in juvenile detention without parole. The 17-year-old’s two defense attorneys demanded suspended sentences of one year and nine months respectively. The family and defense had hoped for an acquittal shortly before the verdict. According to the court, the 17-year-old expressed regret over the incident in his last word.

On Whit Monday last year there was a fight between players from a German and a French team after an international soccer tournament in Frankfurt. After the final whistle of the game, the now convicted man from the French team hit a player in the upper body with his fists. The perpetrator was initially pulled away by a teammate, but then went back to the commotion and hit another player, the affected 15-year-old, from behind with his fist against the cheek or neck area.

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According to police, the 15-year-old from JFC Berlin suffered “serious, life-threatening head injuries”. The teenager then collapsed. Severe brain injuries were diagnosed in the hospital. Three days after the incident, the victim was declared brain dead.


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