Football: his partner pulls him by the feet on the field, an opponent sends him off

Football: his partner pulls him by the feet on the field, an opponent sends him off

Walked in all directions. Yarlen, a 17-year-old Brazilian player, was pulled by the feet by a teammate, then by an opponent, on Sunday during Botafogo’s victory against rival Fluminense (4-2). Injured, he remained on the ground, but outside the limits of the field. His team then led 3 to 2. In order to prevent the game from restarting, and therefore to gain a few moments, a partner pulled him onto the field.

Still on the ground, the Brazilian went the other way a few seconds later. This time it was Felipe Alves, the Fluminense goalkeeper, who sent it back where it came from, in the hope that play would resume quickly. A more than funny scene.

But it does not stop there. Surprised at being handled like this, Yarlen began to get up. A player from the Botafogo bench was then thrown onto the pitch, where he returned to the ground. At this time, the match was already in the 90th + 7 minutes.

Ultimately, Botafago was not caught in the score by Fluminense. The team of John Textor, also owner of Olympique Lyonnais, even scored a fourth goal, in the 90th + 13, thanks to Emerson Lima Freitas. Botafogo are currently fifth in the Brazilian championship, and Fluminense fourth.


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