FC Bayern: Karl-Heinz Rummenigge outlines the search for a coach

FC Bayern: Karl-Heinz Rummenigge outlines the search for a coach

As of: 1:46 p.m. | Reading time: 2 minutes

“Final” against Lazio – will Tuchel’s end come earlier than planned?

On Tuesday there is a final for FC Bayern and especially for its ailing coach. If Munich fails in the Champions League against Lazio Rome, Thomas Tuchel’s end could come earlier than planned.

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FC Bayern is looking for a successor to Thomas Tuchel. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has precise ideas about the requirements profile for the next coach. The long-time club boss believes that things cannot continue in this position as they did recently.

Karl-Heinz Rummenigge sees the successful coaches Jupp Heynckes and Pep Guardiola as the benchmark for the upcoming search for a coach at FC Bayern. The two had impressed the former CEO of the German soccer record champions with their passion and sacrifice, as Rummenigge said in the “TOMorrow Business & Style” podcast, which was published on Monday. “We have to find that coach again who looks after the club with the same dedication as Jupp and Pep did. That is the benchmark, it will be difficult.” The current Bayern coach Thomas Tuchel will leave the club again in the summer at the latest.

Rummenigge described how closely and trustingly he worked with Guardiola from around 2013 to 2016. “It was more than football that united us. I went to dinner with Pep almost every week. We drank a good bottle of red wine and talked about God and the world. There was such a great relationship of trust.” The fact that Julian Nagelsmann was thrown out last year and that Tuchel now also has to leave early is not good for a club like FC Bayern. “In fact, the frequency of changes is too high,” complained Rummenigge.

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The former club boss admitted that the chemistry between the team and coach Tuchel was not ideal. He spoke of a “fit between coach and team, which – we have to say this self-critically – is not what we would have liked at the moment. Accordingly, there will be changes.”

Rummenigge is convinced by Eberl

The new sports director Max Eberl and the other decision-makers face a difficult task. “Good coaches don’t grow on trees. “You have to think carefully,” said Rummenigge. But he is convinced of the new sporting leadership around Eberl, sports director Christoph Freund and CEO Jan-Christian Dreesen. “The club is now well positioned for the future,” analyzed Rummenigge, who sits on the FC Bayern supervisory board.

“The frequency of changes is too high,” complains Karl-Heinz Rummenigge

Source: dpa/David Inderlied

That’s why he and Honorary President Uli Hoeneß would soon step down again, Rummenigge announced. “At the beginning you have to accompany the whole thing a little bit,” he said and added: “Then they have to swim, and they will swim without the lifebuoy of Uli Hoeneß or Karl-Heinz Rummenigge.” He is convinced that Eberl and Co. will not only lead FC Bayern back to calm waters, but also to successful ones.


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