Facing Boris Diaw: Coteaux du Luy Prepares for High-Stakes Clash

Black jogging pants, gray sweater and attentive gaze, Frédéric Lanave observes his troops in silence in the cramped gymnasium of Monségur. The emblematic Coteaux du Luy coach wears a satisfied smile in front of a full group, reinforced by the return of leader Thomas Lamarque. This Thursday evening is D-2. The last training, the last big rehearsal before Saturday evening’s clash against Boris Diaw’s Biscarrosse Olympique.

Surprisingly, the Luycontins do not talk – or very little – about the quarter of the Coupe des Landes to come in…

Black jogging pants, gray sweater and attentive gaze, Frédéric Lanave observes his troops in silence in the cramped gymnasium of Monségur. The emblematic Coteaux du Luy coach wears a satisfied smile in front of a full group, reinforced by the return of leader Thomas Lamarque. This Thursday evening is D-2. The last training, the last big rehearsal before Saturday evening’s clash against Boris Diaw’s Biscarrosse Olympique.

Surprisingly, the Luycontins do not talk – or very little – about the quarter of the Coupe des Landes to come in the Parentis-en-Born arenas. Perhaps a way to free oneself from the pressure of an edition that unleashes passions. But at CLB, co-leader of Nationale 3 with its neighbor Reales and an essential place for Chalois basketball, we prefer to escape the spotlight. To live happily, let’s live hidden, it seems.

Frédéric Lanave would not deny the adage. The discreet Girondin, on the bench of Coteaux du Luy for ten years, would not have been unhappy to avoid the Biscarrosse scarecrow and his clique of former glories. “They had a heavy hand in the draw, everyone wanted to avoid them,” grimaces the man who won the Guy-Candau trophy with AS Monségur in 2002, the last one for Chalossais. Playing this Biscarrosse team is not neutral. We only had one meeting after the draw to discuss how to approach the match. Everyone said what they wanted, then we didn’t talk about it anymore. » Even if this exceptional meeting logically remains in everyone’s minds.

Coach Frédéric Lanave, major architect of the sporting success of Coteaux du Luy.

Philippe Salvat/ “South West”

“I would have been disappointed!” »

Starting with that of the historic captain Laurent Dupouy-Sisteron, 30 years old, 12 of which spent at the club… and an opinion opposite to that of his coach: “I would have been disappointed not to play them! There would have been a taste of unfinished business, he says, impatiently. Confronting Boris Diaw, can you imagine? This is one of the finest French charts! He won an NBA ring and, ten years later, he found himself playing against Dupouy-Sisteron (laughs)…” The Blues manager’s American years already seem a long way away. And the (false) resident of Departmental 3, once again 42 points ahead at kick-off, will no longer benefit from this surprise effect which had allowed him to look Réal Chalossais eye to eye, the January 20 in Mont-de-Marsan (103-82).

“Confronting Boris Diaw, can you imagine? He wins an NBA ring and, ten years later, he finds himself playing against Dupouy-Sisteron (laughs)…”

The Luycontins won’t go into details, but they have a plan. “By his own admission, Réal was sent to the lions’ den,” continues “Fred” Lanave. I wouldn’t have wanted to be in his place, we had no perspective. We will try to win the match, but they will also make adjustments to adapt. » In the Parentis arenas, speed and intensity will be the key words. “It’s the DNA of the club,” assures the CLB coach. But we are not going to try to thwart the opponent, simply to put our game in place. »

Speed ​​and intensity will be the key words of the Chalossais in the Parentis arenas this Saturday.

Philippe Salvat/ “South West”

“It’s abysmal”

“We shouldn’t watch them play,” adds his captain from Samadet, who recognizes that he and his partners do not “really know what to expect” in the face of this outlay of 42 units. The start will be the key, as much as the defensive commitment. “But not only that,” warns Laurent Dupouy-Sisteron. We don’t really have a choice to make. »

“Forty-two points is abysmal,” breathes Frédéric Lanave. We have to hope for the perfect match. We studied the eighth against Réal, without focusing too much either. We were not surprised by Biscarrosse. The talent and experience are there. They’re in their 40s, but they know basketball. But if they run faster than us, I’ll stop playing basketball! » The Luycontin technician is not taking a huge risk, but the qualities of the “old Briscarrossais” are elsewhere. And formidable. Laurent Dupouy-Sisteron confirms: “Even at minus 42, Little Thumb is us! » So, are you ready to defeat the ogre?

The probable group of Coteaux du Luy: Lauretet, Larribau, Nkuite, Lamarque, Paralieu, Dupouy-Sisteron, Sales, Brambati, Lataste, Lamothe.

2024-03-16 08:22:39
#Tom #Thumb


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