Evan Fournier Shines on the Magic Floor: A Bright Spot in the Season

Evan Fournier Shines on the Magic Floor: A Bright Spot in the Season

Some news that will make you smile to start this week. Evan Fournier had his best game of the season last night on the Magic floor. 17 points, 5 assists, 1 rebound, 1 interception at 6/13 shooting for the famous “Charenton calvasse“…and a good time for us, seeing the boy enjoy his life on the pitch. Finally.

Spring is returning little by little, the days are getting longer. Temperatures are slowly rising. Yes, the good time of the year is coming. And to increase our happiness gauge for all, here is Evan Fournier having his best game of the season, on the Magic floor. A nice little game in nostalgia mode, like the good times when Vavane was in the heyday of Orlando. And just reading that, the writer of these lines shifts into satisfaction.

JW with the slam pic.twitter.com/GI8jRMEBB5

— Detroit Pistons (@DetroitPistons) March 4, 2024

Of course, his season will end within a month. But seeing him perform, play. Find the soul of this game, touch the ball, take shots. Unbelievable that we could deprive him of this for so long. Simply seeing him happy.

2024-03-04 10:19:00
#Evan #Fournier #game #season #Magic #points #assists


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