Embracing Unconventional Excellence: The Rise of Robbie Avila in NCAA Basketball

Robbie Avilaa player who moves away from the stereotype of being an athletic interior, is marveling in his second season in the NCAA, in which he averages 17.5 points, 6.6 rebounds and 3.8 assists con Indiana State.

The pivot of 20 years of Oak Forest (Illinois)what does it measure 2.07 m. and weighs 115 kg.it is being constantly compared for his playing style to Nikola JokicDenver Nuggets star and two-time NBA MVP.

“Coach (Josh Schertz) always jokes with me that I’m one step slower than everyone on the court. I tell him I’m two steps slower, because they expect me to be one step slower, so I’m a little slower than that,” explained ‘The College Jokic’ about his style of play in statements reproduced ‘indystar.com’.

“It’s just about being able to use my strength and my understanding of the game. Obviously, everyone knows I’m not the most athletic guy, but I can use my strengths to compensate for their weaknesses. Being able to exploit that is something we’ve worked on.” said Robbie Avila, who came to the university that trained Larry Bird himself from Oak Forest High School (Illinois).

Robbie Avila: “When you come here, strive to be second best. You will never catch up to Larry Bird”

“They always say that when you come here, strive to be second best. You will never catch up to Larry Bird,” said Robbie Avila, who has also been dubbed ‘Cream Abdul-Jabbar’.

Obviously I’m not as good as Jokic, but seeing those little details in comparisons is kind of surprising to me.

Robbie Avila

Regarding his comparison with Nikola Jokic, the Indiana State star is clear: “Obviously I’m not as good as Jokic, but seeing those small details in the comparisons is surprising to me.”

Josh Schertz highlights about Robbie Avila “his great leadership qualities and extremely high emotional intelligence, he has great emotional stability.”

Your partner Isaiah Swope define a Avila (September 10, 2003) as “a bigger outside. He has a ton of knowledge of the game and he’s super smart, really smart. Sometimes he sees things that us point guards don’t see. And to be honest, you just have to listen to him.”

Robbie Avila does not rule out playing with the Mexican national team

While he continues to simmer his career at Indiana State, emerging Robbie Avila, whose father is of Mexican origin, does not rule out playing for the Mexican national team in the future: “If the offer arises… I will be 100% satisfied.”

2024-03-13 10:37:33
#play #steps #slower


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