Director of Corriere dello Sport expresses sympathy for Acerbi in controversial case with Juan Jesus

The words of the director of Corriere dello Sport: “I feel sorry for Acerbi, if he had been convicted it would have been an unworthy closure”

Speaking live on Radio Deejay, Ivan Zazzaronidirector of Corriere dello Sport, had his say on the issue Acerbi-Juan Jesus: “My opinion, based on what I saw and was able to exchange some messages with Juan Jesus, is that he didn’t invent those things: I found that sentence wrong. In sport, players have been convicted without evidence, like Paolo Rossi with the bets: you have to respect the sentences but you can also comment on them. We know Juan Jesus’ statements, even those of Acerbi: he said ‘I’ll black you out’. It’s not a matter of officialdom, you need to inform yourself and talk to the right people. I’m sorry for Acerbi, if he had been convicted it would have been an unworthy closure: he made a mistake, but it went the way it did. Juan Jesus didn’t want to blame, for him it was over after the match.”


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