Danes Dominate: Corvée and Labar Suffer Defeat in French Open Quarterfinals

The soufflé has subsided. Yet galvanized by their victory on Wednesday, Lucas Corvée and Ronan Labar did not exist in the round of 16 of the French Open on Thursday, against Kim Astrup and Anders Skaarup Rasmussen. The Danish pair (n°4) left no chance for the “Daddies”, who lost heavily in two sets (21-9, 21-10).

From the first set, where they were down 7-0, the tone was set. For fourteen minutes, the Blues were pushed around, put in difficulty by their opponents who pushed them to raise the shuttlecocks, to advance to the front of the field, and did not succeed in setting up their game.

But while they led 5-3 at the start of the second set, the Blues gave the impression of having taken advantage of the change of sides to develop a new tactic, more profitable than the previous one. It was nothing of the sort. The Danes imposed their rhythm and allowed the French nothing except to endure. “Everything we tried to do wasn’t working. We did not manage to enlarge the land as we would have liked,” regretted Corvée.

Different playing conditions depending on the courts

A logical but bitter defeat, which slows down Corvée and Labar in their race for Olympic qualification, they who had taken precious points ahead of the Popov brothers by passing the first round at the Porte de la Chapelle. Was that the issue? The playing conditions? For Labar, there is no doubt: “We saw that the conditions (notably the wind) were not the same from one day to the next, from one field to another. This is something that we will have to try to anticipate if we are lucky enough to be able to play here again in a few months (for the Games, from July 27 to August 5).” The doubt still lingers, and will be lifted at the end of the European Championships in Germany (April 8-14).

2024-03-07 19:23:37
#French #Open #Corvée #Labar #heavily #beaten


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