Czech Biathlon Team Reflects on Disappointing Season and Plans for the Future

Not a single podium in the World Cup. Medals from the home world championship in Nové Město in Moravia? Even by mistake.

The best position was won by Tereza Voborníková in the endurance race in Oslo. She finished fifth. A few more races into the top ten could still be found, but otherwise average.

The results of the Czech biathlon exceeded expectations.

“Fairly, I have to admit that the season didn’t go well for us, everyone is responsible for it. From the officials, to the people around, including the competitors,” Hamza begins the interview for Czech Television.

“Now we have to analyze everything and go in the right direction. We have a lot of talent, but the transition objectively did not go well for us and the performance was even worse than last year,” says Hamza

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Jiří Hamza about the unsuccessful season of biathletes

Disillusionment? Never.

The previous season already indicated that something was not right. Now the representatives are exactly halfway through the Olympic cycle. And if he wants to move with the results, there are many things on offer.

What about a radical cut in the form of a change in the entire leadership of the union? “If the movement doesn’t want me, then of course I won’t be here,” Hamza continues, saying that he is not convinced that the decline is about individual people.

“We all have to think, and we all have to start with ourselves. I certainly don’t deny any responsibility, but we thought we would be a little different, and we’re not. Everyone has a part to play in this.”

So why did Czech biathlon fall asleep? The Norwegians are almost unattainable, the French are approaching them.

But it’s not just about them.

Why did the national team, which also has the second most prominent official figure after Hamz – sports director Ondřej Rybář – miss the train?

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Montage of the SP biathlete relay in Soldier Hollow

“We have to analyze that. The numbers simply don’t lie, we have to quickly tell ourselves what we can do to come back and use the huge potential that the competitors have,” Hamza is convinced.

He reminds that in the last five years, Czech biathletes have won twenty-five medals from the junior and adolescent world championships. “But when I look at competitors like Perrot, Hartweg or Stalder, it doesn’t make me happy. I believe that we can come back much stronger next year.”

And more specifically? “We have to tell ourselves where we made mistakes in the eyes of the competitors, where there are mistakes in the eyes of the coaches, and tell ourselves how to adjust it. The training system did not lead us to where we wanted, and we will probably have to change it,” the first man thinks Czech biathlon.

However, he indicated to MF Dnes, for example, that in the future he would like to hire a team manager who would be helpful and more available to the competitors. He also 100% wants to hire a running coach again.

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Montage of the endurance race of biathletes at the World Championships

At the same time, he already figured in the team last year, but only briefly, for a few weeks. After that, however, the collaboration with the Slovak Martin Bajčičák ended strangely, without it being explained in detail to the public.

And now shooting coach Matthew Emmons has also said goodbye to the team at his own request. The very one with whom Markéta Davidová praised her cooperation, as well as with coach Egil Gjelland.

“I have a taste for biathlon, but there are some human things for me that are absolutely inadmissible,” she told Czech Radio mysteriously.

The mainstay of previous years was in 18th place in the overall ranking of the SP, the worst since the 2018/19 season. Davidová struggled mainly with shooting.

The long-term Czech number one subsequently also indicated that there were several mistakes in the team. Among other things, a weaker background.

Markéta Davidová

source: ČTK/AP

But Hamza has a different opinion. “I don’t think so. I haven’t spoken to Markéta yet after returning from America (after the SP stops in Soldier Hollow and Canmore, editor’s note), but our facilities are top-notch,” he claims.

“It’s very easy to say that the skis or the conditions are bad, but everyone really has to start on their own. We are one team and it makes no sense to say that one is doing well and one is doing poorly,” he continues, adding that it is better if they will discuss such things internally.

“If Markéta has such an opinion, we have to say it among ourselves and then filter it to the public,” adds Hamza.

And he continues: “I hear comments about skis, but we are in a new era without fluorine, every team has had it up and down, nothing is ideal, but in terms of material, our competitors have top-notch facilities.”

Source CT sport, CT24, CTK


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