Concerns Raised Over Lack of Indoor Sports Facilities in Growing Municipality: Urgent Letter Sent by Associations

Earlier this week, a number of associations sent an urgent letter in which they expressed their concerns. The parties also express their concerns about this, especially given the growing number of residents of the municipality. The membership numbers of the associations are growing and are higher at many indoor sports clubs than before the corona period.

The D66 and PvdA factions want to prevent contributions from having to be increased due to room shortages or even from having to introduce membership freezes. This mainly concerns associations that cannot cope with normal school gymnasiums, such as badminton, indoor football, volleyball, korfball or handball. They need a certain height or field space.

The parties want to know from the council, among other things, what growth in sports facilities the municipality is taking into account in the municipality’s housing plans. The parties also want to gain an idea of ​​the construction plans for indoor sports facilities and for which sports these halls will be available.

The parties would prefer to see a multi-year plan that makes clear how the municipality can provide sufficient adequate hall space for Edese associations in the long term.

2024-03-07 15:19:22
#D66 #PvdA #Ede #multiyear #plan #sports #halls #XON


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