Community of Madrid Government Council Invests 1.7 Million Euros in Children’s Sports Activities for Municipalities

Community of Madrid Government Council Invests 1.7 Million Euros in Children’s Sports Activities for Municipalities

The Government Council of the Community of Madrid has approved this week an investment of 1.7 million euros in aid to municipalities for the organization or participation in children’s sports activities, 11.7% more than in the previous call.

The objective is the promotion and dissemination of sport from an early age, taking into account its importance within comprehensive education for correct training.

The beneficiaries of these incentives, which will be granted on a competitive basis, are the city councils of the region or their municipal sports entities during the 2022/23 period. Specifically, with this credit, aid will be granted that may benefit 120 local entities.

The budget has increased by 250,000 euros compared to last season because the reference for aid focuses on the number of registered athletes, which has an increasing progression.

In total, 136,623 students have taken part during the 2022/23 season in different sports modalities such as chess, athletics, cross country, basketball, handball, badminton, indoor soccer, 7-a-side soccer, artistic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, wrestling, orienteering, canoeing , rescue and lifeguarding, table tennis and volleyball.

In the budget allocation procedure, the criteria for organizing the competitions – zonal, final and joint – and participation will be taken into account, depending on the population of the municipality.

Thus, for the organization of zonal phases, 165 euros per team will be granted, in the case of team sports, and 1,000 euros per day for individual sports. If finals are held, the allocation will be 200 per team and 1,500 per day in the case of individual sports.

Furthermore, when taking on joint competitions with minority participation, a maximum of 175 euros will be contributed for each municipality and modality. The total credit for organizing tests may not exceed 255,000 euros.

The remaining credit, more than 1.5 million euros, will be allocated based on the number of athletes, reserving 50% for the female category and 50% for the male category.

The regional Executive also approved, in recent Government Councils, an investment of more than 2.6 million euros in aid to clubs in the highest categories and levels of official competitions, as well as more than 1.4 million euros in aid to athletes -individual and in teams- in support of excellence in their activity to reward the effort and hours of dedication to training to achieve the best results. Similarly, almost 920,000 euros were allocated to sports associations in official competitions in the 2022/23 season or during 2023.

2024-03-04 10:00:52
#Community #Madrid #increases #aid #municipalities #childrens #sports


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