Celebrating Sixty Years of the Gubbio Rotary Club: A Special Anniversary Event with a Solidarity Initiative

The Gubbio Rotary Club turns sixty years old. The appointment for the celebrations of the special anniversary of the foundation of the association is set for Saturday 16 March at the Ai Cappuccini park hotel, with a convivial which includes an entertainment program and a special solidarity initiative.

The music of the original accordion of the maestro Diego Trivellini will range in the suggestions of the soundtracks of Ennio Morricone, while the choreographies of the dance troupe of the “Città di Gubbio” dance school, the narrative voice of Ludovica Cacciamani and the images of Giampaolo Pauselli, will reliving salient moments decade by decade, from 1960 to today: a particularly evocative cross-section of Italian history, as well as Gubbio and Rotarian history.

Furthermore, during the evening a service of particular importance will be organised, with the aim of raising the necessary funds for the purchase of an electrocardiograph to be donated to the Branca hospital, through a subscription to prizes with which one can win an electric bicycle put on sale prize from the main sponsor of the evening, Banca Mediolanum.

“We care particularly about this donation – explains the president Massimo Angeli – in line with the interventions that distinguish the activity of our association, always aimed at social purposes. Furthermore, I would like to inform you that the past presidents of previous years are also invited to the evening, who will bring some testimonies and will receive a certificate of merit for the activities carried out and their commitment to the association”.

2024-03-13 18:19:27
#Rotary #Club #Gubbio #sixtieth #anniversary #party #Vivo #Gubbio


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