Bundesliga Fans Get Ready for American Football Party in Bremen

During the Bundesliga’s summer break, fans don’t have to completely miss out on sport in the Weserstadion. The Hamburg Sea Devils are coming to Bremen on June 2nd. There’s going to be a football party against the Paris Musketeers!

“We see the stadium as an optimal opportunity to raise American football in northern Germany to a new, professional level,” says Sea Devils managing director Mark Weitz. “We hope for 20,000 spectators or more.” Over 5,000 tickets have already been sold.

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Which: DYN12.03.2024

The footballers were able to play in front of 32,500 spectators in Hamburg’s Volksparkstadion last summer. Now the Weser Stadium is giving up its turf. There will also be two games in Hanover.

Hans-Jörg Otto (Managing Director of Weser-Stadion GmbH): “Our sporting development is such that we don’t have a relegation game. This way we can rebuild everything in peace. And immediately after the game we will start renovating the pitch.”

Werder professional Mitchell Weiser, who became a fan of the sport ten years ago thanks to the SuperBowl: “The city is very open to new things. I’m excited to see what a football game will feel like here.”

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There should also be a lot going on off the pitch on the grounds on the Weser. Weitz: “When we kick off at 4:25 p.m., some of the fans have been on the grounds since 11 a.m. There will be food and drink, interviews with the players and the opportunity to have things signed. There are small football campaigns and merchandising, delicious burgers. It has the character of a festival.”

A new experience for the Bremen fans – but one that would have almost become part of everyday sporting life. Because there was almost a football team in the Hanseatic city.

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This is what Oliver Rau, Managing Director of Economic Development in Bremen, revealed: “Two years ago I was on a North Sea island with Thomas Krohne, now the owner of the Munich Ravens. That’s when the idea came about to found a football franchise in Bremen. We thought about the name ‘Bremen Town Musicians’ for a long time.”

However, the former Werder supervisory board chairman Krohne decided to choose a team in his home town of Munich…

2024-03-12 19:29:56
#fans #Sea #Devils #Football #party #Weser #Stadium #Sports


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