Breaking Barriers: Manon Claeys and Tim Celen Inspiring Others Through G-Sport Success

Manon Claeys and Tim Celen took the step towards G-sport years ago. With success, because para-amazon Claeys won bronze in dressage at the Tokyo Games, while cyclist Celen won silver and bronze.

With an inspiration session – a tough workout – Claeys and Celen want to show others that G-sport can enrich your life.

“My accident was not positive, but it did change my life in a positive way,” says Claeys.

“There was initially a barrier for me to participate in G-sports. I knew what I could do before my accident and I especially did not want to be labeled as ‘disabled’ or to be considered ‘sad’ or ‘pathetic’.”

“But I can say that there is no barrier. You will never regret doing sports. A lot of doors have opened for me that would otherwise have remained closed.”

Tim Celen did not have an accident that changed his life, because he was born with hemiplegia. “But I never thought: ha, I’m limited. I try to look as normal as possible.”

“Just because you have a disability does not mean you are limited. We can still do a lot!”, Claeys emphasizes.

And they want to show that in just under six months at the Paralympic Games. Will they both return with gold?

2024-03-07 23:01:52
#Paralympic #toppers #people #disabilities #participate #sports #lot


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