Boxer Mairis Briedis Faces Backlash for Alleged Dirty Tactics against Critic Kristaps Zutis

Boxer Mairis Briedis Faces Backlash for Alleged Dirty Tactics against Critic Kristaps Zutis

While the boxer Mairis Briedis last week, invoking words such as “dictatorship”, whined that one of the shopping centers refused to host his book presentation in its premises, in the meantime, information has emerged that he himself is ready to use rather ugly techniques to disgust an active critic of his political stance. Kristaps Zutis.

300 euros for defamation

“If that is true! I am ready to tell everything and provide proof. Although Mairis Briedis has now blocked me on the “WhatsApp” platform and deleted our correspondence, I have kept it. But very, very please – guarantee my safety and that of my loved ones. I’m really and rightly afraid that I can be reckoned with now,” says blogger and influencer Agris (his name has been changed for security reasons) to “Kas Jauns” magazine.

Agris “Kas Jauns” admits that Mairis Briedis personally paid him 300 euros in cash in advance in order for him to publish various messages on social networks. The blogger did that too, until Briedis told the guy that another person would contact him and give him materials about Kristaps Zuti, which would need to be made public.

“I met this person who showed me that he had 70 files on Zuti. But I didn’t want to take it all in, you can promise me whatever money you want, but I’m not the kind of person who deals with such dirty things. However, there must be some humanity and moral norms. I contacted Kristaps and told him everything,” the blogger told the magazine “Kas Jauns”.

Now he feels threatened, because after Zutis shared this information publicly on social networks, Agris believes that he can get even with him. “I am afraid to return home, where my girlfriend and a recently born baby are waiting for me. I even spend the night with friends now. My girlfriend already called me and said that after Zutis made this information public, someone is watching our house, a suspicious car drives by the house several times. I really regret now that I told Zuti about this deal that was offered to me, because really no one should have known about it. But, as I said, I don’t want to deal with such things. And now I’m really afraid,” he is worried.

Zutis publishes the “compromise” himself

One of the videos, which Mair Briež’s person allegedly gave to the blogger for publication, also came to the disposal of Kristaps Zuš, and he himself published it on his “Telegram” account. In the video titled “What is Kristaps Zutis really like”, an audio recording can be heard in which a man speaking in a voice similar to Zutis curses rudely, the video is supplemented with photos, mocking and insulting comments about the boxer, such as “professional athlete attacks people”, “terrible hero”, “gangster “, “extortionist”, “swearing like a cotton ball” and others.

“Yes, that’s me on the audio!” to the magazine “Kas Jauns” does not deny Zutis, revealing that this record is from an old event, for which a criminal case has been initiated, and because of it he was not even admitted to the National Guard. “At that time, a young man threatened a 70-year-old woman that he would pour gasoline on her and burn her. I was familiar with this woman because I knew her grandson. Ome asked me to go help. A criminal case has been initiated for that case, which has not yet reached the court. I defended the weakest then, but now they try to slander me for it,” explains Kristaps, adding: “Yes, I was very rude then. But I speak in a language that the people from whom I defend omi can understand! And I have nothing to fear from such videos. Yes, I have ‘skeletons in the closet’, but most of them everyone already knows about.”

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Maybe a duel in the ring?

What can’t Kristaps Zutis divide with Mairi Briedi, why should one of the boxers resort to not-so-nice techniques to harm the other? “Once upon a time Mairi and I had a very good and close relationship. But then came Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Briež’s position that “everything is not so clear-cut”. I started publicly mocking his political career.

However, Mairis is the kind of person who writes down in a notebook everyone who has even written an unpleasant comment to him on the Internet. Yes, he does, I know it!

And apparently he didn’t like my humor about Mair’s actions, he blames me for his failures in politics and now he wants to take revenge on me by trying to harm me with all kinds of slanderous campaigns. Stupid action! I’m not his competitor either in politics or in boxing, I don’t understand why he should engage in such nonsense – hiring some blogger to spread all kinds of gossip about me. I even asked Mairim personally on WhatsApp why he was doing this, but instead of an answer, he just blocked me. One of the best boxers in the world turns out to be such a big pisser that he’s afraid to answer! We position boxing as a gentleman’s sport, but… Well, what can you expect from a boxer who runs around the ring in a Supermario costume,” Zutis laughs, adding: “Of course Briedis is a great boxer, compared to him, I could bring him water in the ring , he has achieved huge success at the international boxing level, but in human terms he is completely crazy. Collect some kind of kompromat about me in a folder?! Hiring a dude to spread it?! Well, it’s so childish! Not for nothing, Maira’s former coach even said that soon Briedis will be able to box with Napoleon on Tvaika Street…”

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But maybe this scuffle between the two boxers is a publicity campaign before the match between the two? “It would be good if that happened. Although I have much smaller chances against Mairi in the ring than in any other discussions, I already offered Briedis a fight once, but he refused, demanding a huge fee – 100,000 euros. But if someone organizes such a fight, then I want the same fee as Briedim and half as much, which I will donate to the orphans of Ukraine. Only under these conditions will I box with Briedi. Is this commotion an advertisement for our boxing match? I don’t know anything about it, but if Mairi has a plan for a match like this and he’s doing it to promote our fight, then he’s awesome! Because with this fight, the children of Ukraine will have more financial support!” determined by Kristaps Zutis.

Other interesting news and events look in the “What’s New” magazine!


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