Blue Flames Call for 16 Athletes: Women’s Rugby Seven Added to Sports Roster

Fiamme Azzurre, call for 16 athletes: there is the women’s Rugby Seven

20 March 2024

Sixteen seats for five sportsin the next call for Blue Flamesbut also a huge novelty: alongside traditional disciplines for Sports Group of the Penitentiary Police (speed canoeing, archery, judo and weightlifting), there is an opening to women’s Rugby Seventhe Olympic version of the oval ball.

They will be nine places made available, five among the “forwards” (one hooker and four props) and the others in the back department (centre, winger, fly-half and scrum-half). This is an epochal turning point for the associations of the Police Corps and the Armed Forces, which until now had only involved the Fiamme Oro (Elite National Championship) with the representative of the State Police in the classic version of the XV Rugby Union .

Il Rugby Seven can be defined as a simplified variant of the game, but one that has been practiced for decades and recognized by the international federation (Irb, now World Rugby) since 1895. International Olympic Committee he adopted her for the men’s and women’s program of the Summer Games starting from the Rio de Janeiro 2016 edition: so far the Italian teams have never managed to qualify and the commitment of the Penitentiary Administration is aimed precisely at achieving this historic goal.

Women’s Rugby Sevens (credit Federugby 2023)

Significantly, the tender for the Rugby Blue Flames was published on the eve of the women’s Six Nations, where the Italians have long represented a consolidated reality: and in the aftermath of the best result obtained by the men’s Italy in the oldest international rugby tournament.

In addition to the nine places up for grabs in Rugby Seven, recruitment among women includes two places for the speed canoe (K2 500 metres), one each for the archery (Olympic arch), for the judo (63kg category) and for the weightlifting (categoria 64kg). In men’s field two places are available for judoin the 73kg category.

The period for submission of applications of participation is fixed from 21 March to 19 April 2024 (provision of the Director General of Personnel-Dap of 18 March 2024).


2024-03-20 11:24:19
#womens #Rugby


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