Belgium and England Battle for Third Place in FIFA Rankings


For the Red Devils, more than just prestige is at stake in the practice match against England. The result of the competition also determines whether Belgium will be third, fourth or fifth in the new world ranking.

Belgium, fourth in FIFA’s latest official ranking, has virtually moved up one place to third despite the 0-0 draw in Ireland. This has everything to do with the fact that the world number three, England, lost 0-1 to the number five, Brazil, on Saturday. As a result, Belgium, England and Brazil are currently within an inch of each other in the world rankings, well behind numbers one and two Argentina and France.

This makes the practice match between England and Belgium a direct duel for third place in the world rankings. A draw is enough for the Red Devils to officially become the new number three. If they lose, they will remain fourth, but they can also drop to fifth place if Brazil wins its practice match in Spain at the same time.

Virtual FIFA ranking at the moment:

1. Argentina 1,856.28 points

2. France 1,838.49 points

3. Belgium 1,795.24 points

4. England 1,794.90 points

5. Brazil 1,789.24 points

6. The Netherlands 1,748.34 points

7. Portugal 1,748.12 points

8. Spain 1,726.90 points

9. Italy 1,724.60 points

10. Croatia 1,715.52 points


2024-03-26 02:00:00
#stake #tonight #Match #England #determines #Red #Devils #finish #fourth #FIFA #rankings


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