Apple to Allow EU iPhone Users to Delete Safari Browser: DMA Compliance Update

In order to comply with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Apple has made or announced various changes to its services and offerings for European users in recent weeks – such as the ability to download apps from alternative stores load. The latest announced change now affects the in-house browser Safari. iPhone owners from the EU should be able to delete this from their devices in the future.

Those of you who have always wanted to delete Safari from your iPhone will have the chance to do so at the end of the year. In its new DMA compliance report, Apple explains its intention to allow iPhone users from the EU to delete their in-house browser. Safari could then be completely removed from the device and an alternative browser installed. So far, Safari can only be banished to the app library, but not completely deleted.

Delete Safari from iPhone: Possible soon

To ensure that no data is lost when switching browsers, Apple says it is also working on a solution with which browser data can be transferred from one browser to the other. Additionally, the company is said to have begun implementing support for alternative web browser engines, also a DMA requirement.

According to the plan, the option to delete Safari should be implemented towards the end of the year. However, the change only applies to iPhone owners within the EU.

The ability to choose your own default browser was already implemented in iOS 17.4. After updating and opening Safari for the first time, EU iPhone users can now select their preferred browser from a list of the most common browsers and make it the default browser.

2024-03-08 23:22:36
#iPhone #users #delete #Safari #future


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