ANCi Sicily Calls for Third Term Possibility for Mayors in Smaller Municipalities

Also introduce in Sicily, as in the rest of Italy and in time for the next administrative elections, the possibility of a third term for the mayors of municipalities with a population of up to 15 thousand inhabitants.

This is the request of Anci Sicily in a note sent to the president of the Region, Renato Schifani, to the president of the Ars, Gaetano Galvagno, to the president of the Institutional Affairs commission of the Ars, Ignazio Abbate, and to the regional councilor of the Local Autonomies, Andrea Messina.

With the law decree passed by the Council of Ministers there will be no term limit for the mayors of municipalities with up to 5,000 inhabitants and the limit of mandates for those with 5 to 15 thousand inhabitants will rise to three.

“In relation to this – says the president of the Association of Sicilian Municipalities, Paolo Amenta – we ask the regional Parliament to proceed quickly with the approval of the law also on the island”.

2024-03-01 06:31:05
#Anci #introduce #terms #mayors #Sicily


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