A Journey Through the World of Tea: From Milky Oolong to Matcha and Beyond

That of tea offers me every day the opportunity to settle down calmly. These precious meetings, in a world where noise and agitation are omnipresent, help me direct my gaze inward.

One day, I discovered Milky oolong, a tea of ​​Taiwanese origin whose milky and buttery notes were an absolute favorite. A world then opened up to me. Since then, I have continued to explore this incredible universe.

The genmaicha was a delight for my taste buds. A green tea garnished with puffed rice. Just like Milky Oolong, these two teas have a comforting side. For me, they even have a Proust madeleine side.

One day, my friend offered me a vintage Japanese green tea that she hadn’t had a crush on, it was a revelation. I silently walked along a centuries-old Japanese tradition: “the way of tea”. The tea leaves are “cooked” by steam and not in a wok as in the Chinese tradition. This technique allows the essence of the plant to be slightly distorted and its very vegetal taste preserved. For many Westerners, the first taste of sencha brings back memories of boiled or steamed vegetables such as spinach. In reality, the further we advance on this path, the more we open our taste buds to more complex notes, such as umami flavor, marine and floral notes.

4 years ago, matcha tea came my way. The discovery of this drink has become a ritual which precedes my meditation. Today it is one of the paths I take to find harmony.

In Paris, there is no shortage of tea rooms, but only a few cultivate a passion for quality teas. Wistaria is one of these houses. The founder, originally from Taiwan, mainly offers harvests from her native country. The setting is elegant, decorated with furniture from the island. The selection of teas is sophisticated and the tasting expensive. It’s a gift to give yourself at least once in your life. You take the time to choose, then taste your tea. Several infusions are possible and offer a different facet to each tasting. It is a suspended moment where the Tuareg proverb can be revealed to us: “The wisdom of the entire universe is found in a cup of tea”.

Wistaria 6 Rue du Pont de Lodi, 75006 Paris

2024-03-10 17:48:36
#chronicle #Tatiana #Silva #tea


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