326,000 spectators including 222,000 free tickets

The number of spectators who will be able to attend the river parade of the opening ceremony of the Paris-2024 Olympic Games along the Seine has been set at 326,000 people, including 222,000 with free tickets, announced Tuesday March 5 the French Minister of the Interior. Gérald Darmanin specified that 104,000 paying spectators would be welcomed on the low quays and certain bridges, 222,000 on the high quays and he put the number of people who will follow the ceremony from buildings overlooking the Seine at around “200,000”. While it had initially considered setting up a ticket office accessible to all, the executive ultimately decided to entrust the distribution of free tickets to institutional partners (State, host cities, Ile-de-France region, Paris 2024). Gérald Darmanin, who spoke before the Senate Law Committee, specified that the operation to distribute free tickets would be led by the interministerial delegate to the Olympic Games. All these places will have to be distributed at the end of May, he added. The capacity of the opening ceremony had initially been envisaged at 600,000 spectators. A total of 180 boats, 94 of which will transport the athletes, will be mobilized for the parade on the Seine for the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games on July 26, the prefect of the Paris region detailed on Tuesday.

Published on: 03/05/2024 – 6:46 p.m. Modified on: 03/05/2024 – 6:48 p.m.

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The Seine, scene of the 2024 Olympics ceremony. AFP – MIGUEL MEDINA

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