Wrzburg Municipal Pavilion to Host Doryoku Championship with Over 800 Judokas

The Wrzburg Municipal Pavilion will host the IX ‘Irene Martín Ruano’ Doryoku Championship on Sunday, March 3, with more than 800 judokas

The Councilor for Sports, Almudena Parres, held a meeting at the Salamanca City Hall with representatives of the organization, the Doryoku Judo Club, whom she congratulated on an event that, due to its technical characteristics, makes it unique in Castilla y León, and is also , one of the few of its kind nationwide. The participants are between four and sixteen years old and come from clubs in the capital and the province of Salamanca, in addition to the León municipality of Ponferrada. It starts at ten in the morning and attendance is free.

The Sports Councilor and members of the Doryoku Judo Club

February 28, 2024 Sports

The Wrzburg Municipal Pavilion will host the IX ‘Irene Martín Ruano’ Doryoku Championship on March 3, in which more than 800 judokas from four to sixteen years old will compete. It will start at ten in the morning and attendance is free. The Councilor for Sports, Almudena Parres, held a meeting this morning at the Salamanca City Hall with representatives of the organization, the Doryoku Judo Club, during which she congratulated them for holding a championship in the city of Salamanca that, due to its technical characteristics, They make it unique in Castilla y León, and it is also one of the few of its kind nationwide.

In the championship, Salamanca’s representation is notable with participants from the Gimnasio Zarza, Dojo Carbajosa and the 17 schools and municipalities in which the Doryoku Judo Club teaches this sport, while the rest of the competitors belong to the Blume Club of Ponferrada and the Club Coln de Bjar.

According to Parres, these types of events reflect the intense activity that the municipal facilities host throughout the year and are also a source of income for the city by gathering a significant volume of public. On this occasion, the more than 800 judokas will be accompanied by their families, 30 tatamis and 200 volunteers. In this context, the councilor thanked the Doryoku Judo Club for its contribution to the sports program of the 2023 Fairs and Festivals, which offered a judo exhibition on September 15 in the Plaza de Anaya in which it delighted the spectators with acrosport figures, synchronized jumps and falls and advanced techniques.

2024-02-28 12:57:13
#Salamanca #City #Council #Salamanca #News


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