Work to “secure” Étaples schools

Work to “secure” Étaples schools

For several years, the government has financed actions as part of delinquency prevention plans intended to secure school establishments. This Monday, February 19, the Étaples municipal council addressed this subject. It was a question of approving the acquisition of security equipment: materials to reinforce school entrances and exits and prevent malicious intrusions.

Bring schools up to standard

« It also involves bringing Jean-Moulin, Jean-Macé and Rombly schools into compliance with videophones, intercoms and automatic locks. », explains Franck Tindiller, the mayor of Étaples. The total cost of these purchases amounts to €29,500 excluding tax.« this equipment can benefit from funding up to 50% in subsidies under the interministerial delinquency prevention fund ».

Financial aid and recreational center

On the agenda was also the vote on an allocation of aid to Etaplese middle and high school students. Each year, the municipality grants a financial gesture for the purchase of supplies and textbooks schools. “ For middle school students, a voucher will be given to families upon presentation of the family record book and the tax notice from the previous year », Indicates the town hall. For high school students and students, aid is paid into the parents’ account for minors or their own account if an adult.

In anticipation of the next school holidays, the council also adopted the upcoming recruitment “ agents to supervise early childhood, childhood and youth leisure reception activities “. These recruitments are part of the educational engagement contract (CEE). “ The number of agents is defined according to those registered in the centers or summer camps. What remains to be defined”, adds the town hall.


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