“We have a debt with the fans, and we hope to be able to start paying it in tomorrow’s duel”

At 22 years old and after five seasons in Cangas, Brais González is a more than consolidated player in the squad of Frigoríficos del Morrazo who will once again appeal to his spirit of comeback to achieve permanence in the Asobal Plenitude League. The Cangueses’ fight begins tomorrow, in the clash against Nava. The Lalinense knows that winning is key, both to scare away the meigas and to remain out of the two direct relegation positions.

Go game by game, end by end. That is the philosophy that Brais González is betting on, with the aim of adding as many points as possible to avoid relegation and, even if it is complicated, promotion.

– It is already a common speech in Cangas when the second round of the championship arrives, and now it is repeated. On Saturday they have a real final for permanence against Viveros Herol Nava.

– Yes, but not only this Saturday, but all of our remaining games will be finals, especially at home. Even though we are having a pretty bad season, we are out of relegation, but Sinfín is adding points that were not counted on and I think they will continue to do so. And we have to go and score in every game.

– They face a recently promoted player who is completing a remarkable season, and who has important elements such as Prokop, Patotski or Borja.

– When the League started, Nava was not counted on to be fighting at the bottom, because they have a much superior team, for example, to Puerto Sagunto, with whom they rose last year. It has players who could easily be on other teams and a strong economic capacity. They are a very good team, which also comes from beating Ademar, so it will be a difficult duel. But we have more reasons to win.

– They have been left behind next to Puerto Sagunto and Sinfín, and you have already mentioned it, the Cantabrians are reacting.

– Yes, but I think that pressure from behind is also good for us. They have strengthened themselves well and last year they were bottom and then they completed a tremendous second round. They are used to suffering.

Brais González is defended by a rival at Frigoríficos-Puente Genil. / Santos Alvarez

– They have not yet gotten the pulse of the second round, with a draw at home and two clear defeats away.

– The defeat against Logroño was frustrating because of the feelings. It was a track where you could perfectly lose, but not to fall by ten at the break. The feelings with which we arrived from the preseason went to hell. Then, before the Puente Genil, we had 15 good minutes but the blackout came as with Valladolid, Huesca, etc. We threw everything overboard in 10 minutes.

“You cannot ask the new ones to take our chestnuts out of the fire”

– Are the losses of Del Arco and Brandao being very noticeable?

– Yes, obviously. For us they were two starting players, each one in his role. It is true that we have gone to the market, but it is difficult to find something that adapts immediately and can perform from now on. It takes a while. Nor could we ask the new ones to take the chestnuts out of the fire.

– What seems clear is that they are obliged to have an almost perfect second round in order to escape relegation and even promotion, although this is more complicated.

– Yes, right now I think that avoiding promotion is complicated because of the points difference and especially because of our closest rival, Cuenca. It is a team that will surely go up despite having had some losses, and in fact it comes from drawing in Granollers, which is a very difficult track. We don’t have to obsess, but go game by game and get as many points as possible.

– They have only added a victory in the entire season, against Anaitasuna. Seeing the unconditional support and the full houses in O Gatañal, don’t you have the feeling of being a little indebted to the fans?

– In the five years that I have been here I feel indebted to the fans in all five. Even if we win most of our games and do so with a ten-goal difference, they deserve more. We owe them a debt, and much more at home. In these games in which you are winning by five and you have a slump, instead of getting angry or whistling at you, they continue cheering you on as if you were winning. We have an outstanding debt and I hope that on Saturday we can pay it in the first of many games.

– On a personal level he seemed to go through a slump and now he seems looser in the last few games. How are you?

– I feel fine. This is a collective sport, and if the team is bad, you end up getting infected. In Benidorm I scored 6 goals, but it didn’t have any impact, because we ended up losing by eight. You have to have a general vision and not an individual one. If we are all well it will be easier.

2024-02-23 05:10:00
#debt #fans #hope #start #paying #tomorrows #duel


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