Update on BRI Liga 1 Club Stadiums and the Use of Video Assistant Referee (VAR)

Bola.net – So far, only three BRI Liga 1 club stadiums have been deemed suitable for using Video Assistant Referee (VAR). This was stated by the Main Director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB), Ferry Paulus.

The three stadiums are Manahan Stadium (Solo), Captain I Wayan Dipta (Bali), and Gelora Bung Tomo (Surabaya). The rest still need a touch more to support the use of VAR.

According to Ferry Paulus, the stadiums which still cannot use VAR technology will be renovated. The hope is that in the 2024/2025 season, all the stadiums will be ready for use.

“In fact, there are several stadiums that we still can’t use. The only three that we can actually use are the ones that we can use, the rest are still under renovation,” said Ferry Paulus, Saturday (17/2/2024).

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GBLA Stadium Following

Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium (GBLA) (c) Bola.com/Dok.Persib Bandung

There is one stadium that according to Ferry Paulus could soon be suitable for using VAR. The stadium is the headquarters of Persib Bandung, Gelora Bandung Lautan Api (GBLA).

However, Ferry Paulus cannot confirm when the Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium will really be ready to use VAR technology in BRI Liga 1.

“Perhaps GBLA will follow, but there will still be renovations. Well, for the rest, we will prepare with the van,” continued Ferry Paulus.

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Use a Van for the VAR Room

Main Director of PT Liga Indonesia Baru (LIB), Ferry Paulus (c) Bola.com/Bagaskara Lazuardi

There are interesting strategies that PT LIB will carry out in response to existing conditions. They will use a van as a VAR room.

“Looking at the current picture, those ranked one to four, maybe it still includes Bali and Borneo FC. Maybe we will use a Van in Borneo. Well, for the rest, we will maximize this van to enter the 2024-2025 competition. “

“If indeed, say, for example, the Indomilk Arena is ready, we will definitely make it permanent. If we kick-off in August, yes, then we can, and so will the other stadiums,” said the former Persija Jakarta sports director.

Adapted from: Bola.com/Hery Kurniawan/Hendry Wibowo, 18 February 2024


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