Unveiling PSG’s Successful South American Transfer Strategy: Luis Campos Makes Waves on the Market

Foot – Market – PSG

PSG: A revelation is confirmed on the transfer window

Published on February 23, 2024 at 9:15 p.m.

Appointed PSG sports advisor in 2022, Luis Campos is renowned for his ability to unearth young players with high potential, all over the world. In search of talent during the last winter transfer window, the Portuguese leader surveyed the South American market, as le10sport.com exclusively revealed to you.

Engaged in all possible competitions, the PSG had a rather quiet winter transfer window. Indeed, the Parisian club did not shake up its workforce, and relied on two promising profiles by recruiting both Lucas Beraldo et Gabriel Moscardo. Two promising young Brazilians, while Paris focused particularly on the South American continent this winter.

PSG surveyed South America this winter

Yes, yes PSG ended up finding happiness in Brazilthe sports advisor Luis Campos observed several countries on the continent. On October 24, le10sport.com exclusively revealed that the Portuguese had sent an emissary to Argentinebut also in Uruguay in order to observe talents.

Luis Campos at the helm

This Friday, Le Parisien confirms our exclusive information dating from October. The daily newspaper indeed reveals that the recruitment unit of the PSG moved to South America during the last winter transfer window. At the end of January, Luis Campos was in particular in contact with one of his scouts present at the Venezuela.

2024-02-23 20:15:00
#PSG #revelation #confirmed #transfer #window


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