Trégor Badminton Celebrates Love of Badminton with Valentine’s Day Tournament

Wednesday, for Valentine’s Day, Trégor Badminton celebrated the love of badminton, at the Coppens college sports hall. Alone or in couples, young or older, women and men, around fifty players from the club met for a friendly doubles tournament, during which everyone changed partners for each match.

This Love Bad evening, the first of its name, follows the Hallow Bad and Santa Bad evenings organized in Tréguier and Cavan. “These evenings are an opportunity for players from different groups to come together, whatever their level, for a moment of conviviality and discussion around badminton,” says Sterenn, head of the club’s entertainment committee. The evening ended around an aperitif but history does not say whether some will have found love at the end of this evening. ” The future will tell ! », Specified the host.

2024-02-16 09:15:36
#Lannion #Love #Bad #evening #TrégorBadminton #Valentines #Day


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