Track cyclist Mikhail Yakovlev wants to compete for Israel

Track cyclist Mikhail Yakovlev wants to compete for Israel

The Russian track cyclist Mikhail Yakovlev, who immigrated to Israel, commented on the death of Alexei Navalnyj with an emotional message: “I didn’t know Alexei Navalnyj personally, but when I found out about his death from my father, I cried,” Yakovlev wrote on his Instagram -Profile: “I have the feeling that someone close to me has died. I feel like a part of me has been killed and I feel this emptiness.”

Upon request on Sunday, Yakovlev confirmed the authenticity of his post to the FAZ. In the post, the 23-year-old described the opposition leader, who died in Russian custody last week, as an inspiration for him as a professional cyclist and beyond: “If I need motivation for training or simply “I needed in life, I remembered him, his words, his manifestations, his strength,” Yakovlev wrote: “The kind of strength I had never seen in anyone else.”


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