Tobias Foss: he carried a 668-tooth chainring on his bike, UAE Tour 2024 – Cycling – Sports

Tobias Foss: he carried a 668-tooth chainring on his bike, UAE Tour 2024 – Cycling – Sports

American cyclist Brandon McNulty (UAE Team Emirates) is the new leader of the UAE Tour after winning the second stage this Tuesday, a 12.1 km individual time trial between the island of Al Hudayriyat and Abu Dhabi, with a time of 13 minutes and 27 seconds, a day that was marked by the performance of Tobias Foss.

The day was round for the UAE team, which won a hat trick at home, as McNulty was followed by the Australian Jay Vine and the Dane Mikkel Bjerg, two and four seconds behind the winner respectively.
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This is the same order and the same differences that exist now in the general classification. Thanks to his victory, the 25-year-old American takes the race leader’s jersey from Belgian Tim Merlier (Soudal-Quick Step), winner of the sprint of the first stage on Monday.

Since the differences between the riders were minimal after the mass arrival on Monday, the cyclists did not start in the reverse order of the general classification as usual, but rather the teams were able to determine the starting order of their line leaders based on the meteorological conditions, always looking at the intensity of the wind, very intense and in the face in this desert area.

The leader of the UAE, the British Adam Yates, winner of the test in 2020, finished the time trial in 16th position, 28 seconds behind his teammate.

The Colombians did not come out well. Brandon Rivera was the best 27 to 41 seconds behind the winner. Harold Tejada was 42 at 20 s, while Einer Rubio was 48 at 1 min 19 s.

On Wednesday, the runners will face the queen stage of this edition, with 176 km between the island of Al Marjan and the Jebel Jais, a massif located near the border with Oman.

The data

Tobias Foss, Ineos team rider, was the news of the day, as he used a 68-tooth blade, something that paralyzed the eyes of the other teams.

Last Saturday, Remco Evenepoel used a 62-tooth one in the Vuelta al Algarve time trial, where he blew the others to smithereens.

Foss ventured out, but did not do as well as he thought, finishing fourth and 14 seconds behind McNulty. (The League, in full controversy: they remove VAR referees for being ‘incompetent’)

2024-02-20 19:22:20
#Tobias #Foss #carried #668tooth #chainring #bike #UAE #Tour #Cycling #Sports


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