Tiberghien wanted to show off, Raka paid the price… the tops and flops

Tiberghien wanted to show off, Raka paid the price… the tops and flops

By Louis Mouret

Publié here à 23:39, Mis à jour here à 23:52

Tiberghien and Raka. AFP / GAIZCA IROZ / AFP / GAIZCA IROZ

TOPS/FLOPS – Revengeful Cheikh Tiberghien, Martocq in the advance, Raka on a bad night or even the importance of the Basque bench… Find the highlights and flops of Bayonne’s victory against Clermont (21-13).


Tiberghien wanted to show himself

Facing his former team and Christophe Urios, the coach who did not want to keep him at ASM, Cheik Tiberghien had ants in his legs. He asserted himself with confidence in the air and missed nothing on the bases from the back post. But above all he was decisive on both sides of the field. On Martocq’s try, it was he who made the difference with an overflowing shot on Raka and a well-negotiated surplus (46′). A few minutes later, facing the same Raka, it was he who saved his team from the Clermont response by pushing the international winger into touch. A performance which must have given regret to Clermont supporters.

Guillaume Martocq put Bayonne ahead

Like his Italian partner, Federico Mori, the 24-year-old center has never stopped winning his duels and pushing his partners forward. At the conclusion of the movement initiated by Tiberghien on the second Bayonne try, he did not touch a lot of balls but managed to beat 4 defenders and gained 54 m very ball in hand. Clean in defense, he has really established himself since the start of 2024.

The resistance of the Basque bench

Tevita Tatafu, Facundo Bosch and Swan Cormenier. Grégory Patat had planned to finish the match strong and the scenario proved him right. The Samoan right pillar, tracked by the XV of France, transformed the Bayonne scrum and martyred his direct opponent at the end of the match. Facundo Bosch also stood out at the best of times. While Clermont pushed to go ahead, the Argentine hooker scored two hot balls to relieve his teammates and allow Rowing to breathe. Author of 7 tackles in 28 minutes, he struggled in defense.


Raka still struggling

The international winger alternates between the good and the very bad this season. Author of two doubles in the last three matches, Alivereti Raka had a complicated evening like the one experienced against UBB and Madosh Tambwe last December. Surprised and overtaken by Tiberghien’s overflowing framing, he once again showed off his defensive shortcomings (4 missed tackles out of 9 attempted). And if offensively he often manages to compensate, Raka this time did not succeed in making the difference. He had the opportunity but could not resist the return from the Bayonne rear when he was very close to relaunching ASM (54′).

Managing Clermont’s nerves

The Urios recipe is known and announced. The players must wear their jerseys, give everything and show that they want to. But when this energy is not channeled, the consequences can hurt. And despite his experience, Urdapilleta was the first to leave his match by being too vehement towards the referee. Result, an avoidable penalty (31′). But it was especially at the end of the meeting that the ASM erred in its behavior. A yellow card for an overly aggressive clearance by Bibi Biziwu (74′) and a series of penalties which allowed Camille Lopez and Bayonne to take off. An overwhelming desire which also led to numerous technical errors and wasted ammunition for the Clermontois, unable to score a point after the 54th minute, despite unchallenged domination.


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