Thomas Muller’s Live Outburst: Bayern Munich’s Frustration After Defeat

After the heavy defeat against Bayer Leverkusen, Bayern Munich senator Thomas Muller was unable to hide his anger in the TV interview: the German footballer’s live outburst immediately went viral.

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Sound defeat for Bayern Munich at Bayer Leverkusen which now extends to the top of the Bundesliga with a five-point lead over the Bavarians who therefore now, after 11 consecutive titles, risk seeing their incredible streak of victories in the German national championship interrupted. A situation that the Bayern players are not used to as demonstrated by the live TV outburst made by the locker room senator Thomas Muller with a very hot interview that immediately went viral on social networks going around the world.

The 34-year-old who has spent his entire career at Bayern Munich since his youth years after the 3-0 defeat against the team coached by Xabi Alonso he couldn’t hide his anger venting to Sky Sport Deutschland: “To be honest, I’m pissed. To quote Oliver Kahn: what I miss about us players are the balls. We are showing much better approaches in training. It’s okay to feel pressure, but it takes energy and freedom, which is lacking in our game” said a very angry Thomas Muller, actually taking it out on himself and his teammates for the characterless performances offered on the pitch.

And when the interviewer was about to hand him a question about the ‘faults’ of their manager Thomas Tuchelthe expert midfielder he interrupted and with an even more angry tone he wanted to clarify his position again: “Sometimes we have to talk about us players. The coach has nothing to do with it. We have many top-level international players in the team, we need to raise the level of our game. I expect the players on the pitch to know how to handle the pressure. We urgently need to improve and we will” Thomas Muller then commented in an interview which, both in tone and content, immediately became viral given that many appreciated the assumption of responsibility and genuineness of a footballer who, despite having already won everything that can be won, doesn’t like to lose and above all doesn’t like to give alibis to himself and his teammates.


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