The Unstoppable Journey of Ish Smith: A Review of His Storied Career

Reviewing Ish Smith’s career is equivalent to a United States geography course.. In the history of the NBA, no one has traveled as much as him. The 1.83 meter point guard has played in 13 franchises throughout his 14 seasons in the League and was just released by the Hornets. Live your second stage in Charlotte, where I was born. At 35 years old, it seemed like a great place to retire, but looking at his career, another move cannot be ruled out. The last one. Or the penultimate, perhaps. Who knows.

Players with the most teams in the NBA

  • Ish Smith (2010-2024) 13 equipos
  • Chucky Brown (1990-2002) 12 equipos
  • Jim Jackson (1993-2006) 12 teams
  • Tony Massenburg (1991-2005) 12 teams
  • Joe Smith (1996-2011) 12 teams
  • Garrett Temple (2010-2024) 12 teams
  • DJ Augustin (2009-2022) 11 teams
  • Jeff Green (2008-2024) 11 teams
  • Mike James (2002-2014) 11 teams
  • Kevin Ollie (1998-2010) 11 teams
  • Anthony Tolliver (2009-2021) 11 teams
  • Smith studied and played for four years in Wake Forestbut at the end of his university years no one remembered him in the 2010 draft. Rockets They signed him as a free agent, sending him to the G League on several occasions. In February 2011 the first transfer arrived, at Grizzlies. Since then she has hardly been calm. She has been through the Warriors, the Magic, the Bucks, the Suns, the Thunder, the Sixers, the Pelicans, the Pistons, the Wizards in two stages, the Nuggets and the Hornets in two other different episodes. Until now.

    “I never minded that roller coaster. It’s part of my trip.”assures the point guard, pragmatic in the face of the commercialism of the NBA with respect to the players: “You control what you can control. You can’t control what the board is going to do, but you can control your game, how hard you work and how you are. as a person”.

    Six years to get a long-term contract

    Smith had to wait for his sixth NBA season to get his first long-term contract. His longest stays, for three seasons each, were in Detroitwhere he played his most games with a single team (219), and in Philadelphia, where he lived his best professional moment. He started all 50 games he played with the Sixers in the 2015-16 season. averaging personal records of 14.7 points, 4.3 rebounds and 7.0 assists in 32.4 minutes on the court.

    That roller coaster never bothered me. It’s part of my journey. You can’t control what the board is going to do, but you can control your game, how hard you work and how you are as a person.

    Ish Smith, Hornets point guard who has played for 13 NBA teams

    Throughout his career, the veteran player has looked 10 different numbershas shared a dressing room with 239 teammates and, with this week’s dismissal, it has been seen involved in 30 operations between contract signings, transfers, cuts and assignments to the G League.

    It is difficult to live with the uncertainty of not knowing what will happen to you the next day. He signed month-to-month apartment leases and rented the furniture. from their homes upon arriving in the new cities. With a wife and children everything was more complicated. On each trip the family had to be dragged along.

    For most of his career, Smith has played the role of backup point guard. and, with work and effort, he has managed to become strong in the NBA: 805 games with averages of 7.1 points, 2.4 rebounds and 3.8 assists. “You have to fit in and find your role. That’s what gives you longevity”he states.

    Over the years he has become a respected voice in the locker rooms he has passed through. He was also one in the Hornets, with whom he averaged 17.2 minutes being one of the LaMelo Ball replacements. And it was last year in the Nuggets, with whom he was proclaimed champion.

    The veteran’s voice

    “It’s shocking when you can have veterans who are truly selfless and don’t worry about, ‘Hey, I’m not in the playoff rotation.’“But they are still committed to the team’s success and are willing to use their voice,” said Nuggets coach Mike Malone about his former player. Last year, The point guard went from playing an average of 9.3 minutes in the regular season to playing a total of 12 in all the playoffs and not a second in the final.

    It’s amazing when you can have veterans who are truly selfless, committed to the team’s success, and willing to use their voice.

    Nuggets coach Mike Malone on Ish Smith

    Wherever he went, Smith left a mark of professionalism. “You can always count on Ish bring great enthusiasm. It doesn’t matter if it’s for training, a shooting session or a match.. “He has an incredible passion for the game,” he says. Bob Beyer, Pistons assistant coachwith which I coincided between 2016 and 2018.

    “He knew how to find a niche in this League and doing so in every team he has been in is very complicated. There are 13 franchises. Many, but he, obviously, has done his job,” praises him. Kyle Lowryformer teammate in his rookie season with the Rockets.

    “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!can be read in Romans 11:33-36. With deep religious convictions, Ish Smith surely knows that Bible passage. After going through 13 teams, more than anyone else, and having been fired two days ago, it will be clear to him that The paths of the NBA are also inscrutable.

    2024-02-11 06:09:30
    #NBA #moves #Ish #Smith #player #played #teams #history #NBA


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