The story of Rino Della Negra, the former Red Star player shot in 1944, companion of Missak Manouchian, at the Pantheon this evening

The story of Rino Della Negra, the former Red Star player shot in 1944, companion of Missak Manouchian, at the Pantheon this evening

Rino Della Negra, shot at the age of 20 by the Nazis in Mont-Valérien on February 21, 1944, left without leaving many traces: a bloody garment, two letters written to his parents and his little brother, that’s it for the martyr of the Resistance ; a few amateur football licenses and a handful of photos in action, including only one where he dons the green and white jersey of Red Star, here is for the player. However, from now on, his name is inscribed with that of 21 of his comrades in arms, all members of the Manouchian group shot on the same day, on a commemorative plaque affixed to the tomb of their leader, Missak Manouchian. The coffin of the communist resistance fighter is indeed making its entry, with that of his wife Mélinée, into the Pantheon this evening (6:30 p.m.) by decision of the President of the Republic.


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