The president of Zamora CF, Víctor de Aldama, released with precautionary measures

The president of Zamora CF, Víctor de Aldama, released with precautionary measures

Víctor de Aldama, president of Zamora CF, has been released with charges after spending 48 hours in the cells after being arrested last Tuesday involved in an alleged plot to sell masks during the pandemic.

As has emerged, the Prosecutor’s Office has not asked the judge to commit him to prison.

the former advisor of former minister José Luis Ábalos, of the president of Zamora CF, Victor de Aldamanor of the other two detainees who have been brought before the judge for alleged corruption in the purchase of masks during the pandemic, so the four will be released with precautionary measures.

Legal sources have informed EFE that in the case of Koldo Garcia The precautionary measures requested are periodic appearances in court and withdrawal of the passport.

The other three detainees who have appeared before the judge are the brother of Koldo Garcia; the president of Zamora CF, Victor de Aldama; and the businessman Íñigo Rotaetxe.

Right not to declare

Koldo García, the advisor of former minister José Luis Ábalos, and the president of Zamora CF, Víctor de Aldama, have taken advantage of their right not to testify this Thursday before the judge of the National Court Ismael Moreno, within the framework of the investigation into alleged bites during the purchase of masks.

Legal sources have confirmed to Europa Press that both the former advisor and three other detainees have appeared this Thursday before the head of the Central Court of Instruction Number 2, but all of them have availed themselves of their right not to testify. Among them were the brother of KoldoJoseba, the president of Zamora, Victor de Aldamaand a Basque businessman.

The agents placed four of the 14 detained by the police at the disposal of the magistrate. alleged bribes in contracts during the Covid-19 pandemic whose material was destined for the Ministries of Transport and Interior, as well as autonomous communities (CCAA) such as the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands.

It is worth remembering that this Wednesday Civil Guard agents took a witness statement from the Secretary of State for Security and Fernando Grande-Marlaska’s ‘number two’ in the Ministry of the Interior, Rafael Pérez, in relation to the investigation into the alleged bites.

The statement also affected his right-hand man, José Antonio Rodríguez, the director of the Coordination and Studies Cabinet, for the 3.4 million euro contract awarded to the key company in the alleged fraud in the purchase of masks.

Sources from the Ministry of the Interior reacted to the information by pointing out that “they do not comment on a judicial procedure opened in the National Court and which is of a secret nature.”

The investigation, directed by the National Court and in which the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office and the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard participate, has led since Tuesday to the arrest of 14 people, as part of investigation proceedings for the crimes of criminal organization, influence peddling and bribery that affect 20 people.

These arrests carried out by the Central Operational Unit of the Civil Guard (UCO) in different provinces of Spain have been accompanied by around 26 home searches. The sources consulted indicate that they have continued until 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday and that, in some of these searches, the agents have found empty safes.

The amount exceeds 50 million

The judicial investigation for which Koldo García Izaguirre, who was an advisor to the former socialist minister José Luis Ábalos, has been arrested, investigates alleged bribery in contracts during the Covid-19 pandemic whose material was destined for the Ministries of Transport and Interior, as well as communities autonomous regions (CCAA) such as the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands, as sources from the investigation have informed Europa Press.

These sources indicate that the amount of the contracts of these public administrations exceeds 50 million euros, according to the researchers’ estimate.

In the case of the Ministry of the Interior it was Rafael Perez who signed the award of protective material for Interior personnel to the company Management and Support Solutions for the Company for a value of 3,479,355 euros. These contracts had been previously requested by the researchers, as explained by the aforementioned media, and were processed through the negotiated procedure without publicity and on an emergency basis.

In this context, the Civil Guard also requested documentation from the Ministry of Transport within the framework of the investigation into the alleged bites, according to sources in the investigation informed Europa Press.

In any case, the sources consulted by Europa Press assert that the operation remains open and that therefore it cannot be ruled out that in the coming hours more arrests will take place in the framework of this case that remains secret.

2024-02-22 17:37:29
#president #Zamora #Víctor #Aldama #released #precautionary #measures


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