The NBA is Seeing More High-Scoring Games: Here’s Why

Luka Doncic (24/Dallas): 73 points against Atlanta.

Joel Embiid (29/Philadelphia): 70 points against San Antonio.

Giannis Antetokounmpo (29/Milwaukee): 64 points against Indiana.

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While there were just eight games in the NBA between 1985 and 2004 in which a professional scored 60 points or more, this has happened nine times in the last 13 months.

Why is that? And why do entire teams in the Easycredit Basketball Bundesliga score fewer points in their games than Doncic and Co.? Since the start of the season, a team has scored fewer than 73 points 30 times in the BBL.

And while Tübingen’s Jhivvan Jackson (25) is the best thrower in this country with an average of 19.7 points, Embiid puts up 35.3 points every game in the NBA.

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Ulm’s Karim Jallow (26), who averages 14.3 points, told SPORT BILD: “On the one hand, a game in the NBA lasts eight minutes longer – 40 in Germany, 48 in the NBA. On the other hand, the players who score over 70 points are amazing players. They shoot baskets that I’ve never seen before. Doncic scores 73 points, that’s crazy. And they weren’t all easy. He’s just that good. That’s the individual class in the NBA.”

These are the reasons! NBA professional Luka Doncic scores more points than entire BBL teams

► The referees whistle more severely for defenders’ actions; they have to hold back more.

► The playing field is larger, good players find more gaps.

► Defense is not exactly the favorite discipline of players in the NBA. It’s different in Europe. Luka Doncic recently said: “Of course it’s easier for me to score points here.”

► Germany’s basketball pope André Vogit (50/podcast “Got nexxt”) adds: “There is the defensive three-second rule (defensive players are not allowed to stand in their own zone for more than three seconds/ed.), so that no one is on Can park and defend the basket. But above all, the superstars are at the highest level ever.”

2024-02-01 15:41:07
#Luka #Doncic #scores #points #entire #BBL #teams #Sports


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