“The Inquisitor” Miroslav Brož Claims Victory and Reveals Future Plans

“The Inquisitor” Miroslav Brož Claims Victory and Reveals Future Plans

Although the tournament in Oberhausen was supplemented by a large Czech team, there were a total of five domestic fighters on the card, but only Jan Malach and Miroslav Brož were happy about the victory. “The Inquisitor” did not disappoint again and delighted the audience with another exciting battle full of nerve-wracking twists and turns.

In the first round, Brož was in charge, he was visibly faster compared to his opponent and gave a sovereign impression in the combinations. Tom Crosby shortly after the first minute, he was able to put him on the ground, then pinned him on the mesh, where it was the turn of the knees. The Englishman also pulled off a particularly nasty stomp that his toes will probably remember for days to come. The end of the round was decorated with a frantic shootout.

In the second lap, Crosby stepped on the gas. Several of his blows landed on fertile ground, however, inciting Brože to counter-offensive. He hit the mesh with his shoulder like Conor McGregor, tried stomps again. Crosby subsequently managed to get Brože to the ground, soon working his way up to full mount. Shortly after, he took his back, but the “Inquisitor” took care of the strangulation. Crosby still managed a few shots from half-guard.

After the second round, it was tied, which was also confirmed by the score judges. Crosby decided to try a tried-and-true tactic, after the initial change in stance and passer on the mesh, he took Brož to the ground again, focusing primarily on control. However, the Czech fighter was able to mobilize his last strength and escape from the trap. The end of the round was marked by great exhaustion on both sides, but the spectators could enjoy another shootout.

Brož was a bit more convincing in the end, so he claimed another narrow victory. But he was not very happy about it. During the post-match interview, he let it be known that he did not win. “It was a draw,” he declared. The audience in the hall rewarded his sincerity with applause. Subsequently, he revealed that he is slowly preparing for a major life change. “It’s not good for health,” he admitted, adding that he entered the match with a torn hamstring. At the same time, he announced that the end of his career was approaching.

But he would like to catch one more big match, on this occasion he immediately said o Christiana Eckerlina. The popular German fighter was present in the hall, after a challenge he went to the cage. The promoters of the Octagon obviously liked the match, so the fighters immediately cut the first staredown.

Brož briefly commented on the newly arranged match during the subsequent press conference. “It’s a huge challenge for me, I wanted to try it… She’s the German number one,” he said, wondering how he would fare against Eckerlin. “They probably already approved it, so I’m very happy about it. It’s my dream, one of the last big fights I’d like.” The duel will probably take place at the tournament in Frankfurt.


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