The Importance of Mental Health for High-Level Athletes: Insights from Rafael Nadal

Like any human being, high-level athletes are not without flaws. And even if some of them, like Rafael Nadal, seem to be monsters with an indestructible mind, there are always ups and downs.

The quality of the best like Rafa, Djokovic or Federer is to have managed to overcome these difficult periods. But as Nadal explained in a recent interview for The sixthit is sometimes necessary to call on a psychologist when the mind is not in good shape, and there is nothing wrong with that.

“ I’ve never had a problem talking about it, but I went to a psychologist at two different stages of my life, for two different problems that I I had. If your leg hurts, you should go to the doctor. It’s perhaps a more taboo subject, but I perceive it as something normal and natural, it’s just another part of the body, and I would even say the most important. It’s progress that people have the peace of mind to be able to talk about it. I admit that since I’ve always had it, it doesn’t seem new to me. ”

2024-02-17 18:50:00
#ATP #Nadal #psychologist #stages #life #perceive #normal #natural #part #body #important


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