The hoteliers of the future are already preparing with Artificial Intelligence – El Sol de México

If you’re thinking about entering the hospitality industry, the path will increasingly involve some form of familiarity with AI. That’s one of the key messages of my book Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Robot Applications in Hospitality, in which I discuss how hospitality jobs of the future will increasingly rely on technology to provide a delightful guest experience.

But the question everyone is asking is: Will AI reduce the number of hospitality jobs? Not only could AI do it, but it has already started to change the way existing jobs are done by handling tasks like guest check-in, customer queries, and the like.

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For that reason, in the hospitality industry of the future, instead of people who interact with customers, the industry will need more data analysts, artificial intelligence managers, and people who can provide technical support. This is because AI can perform routine and repetitive tasks, such as making reservations and responding to customer queries.

But how do hospitality programs use AI to teach in the classroom? Universities are using virtual reality to simulate real-world scenarios for students to practice and hone their skills in a risk-free environment.

For example, AI-based simulations can mimic front-of-house operations, kitchen management, or even crisis situations. This provides students with hands-on experience and allows for immediate feedback.

The use of AI in hospitality education is essential because it helps create a more personalized learning experience that builds on what students do well and helps them overcome challenges. For example, AI can make it easier and faster for students to receive feedback on their work, helping them learn better. It can also suggest new teaching materials and methods to educators, improving their way of teaching.

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Will AI improve the industry?

Research indicates that AI has the potential to significantly improve the hospitality industry by improving efficiency. You could also personalize customer experiences, anticipate needs and identify trends, and reduce operating costs.

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can offer 24/7 customer service. They can manage reservations and inquiries, and provide personalized recommendations. This improves the guest experience and frees up human staff to focus on more complex tasks, such as handling unexpected problems, complaints or emergencies. AI can help identify problems, but human resources are needed to provide planning, professional development and risk management strategies.

When the volume of job applicants becomes unmanageable, hospitality companies may consider adopting AI to streamline hiring, employing algorithms to identify promising candidates based on their skills and experience. They could consider ensuring that AI is programmed to avoid biases related to age, gender, ethnicity or background that have been found in hiring tools.

Some hotel companies use AI to manage energy consumption. This is done by employing smart sensors and algorithms to adjust lighting, heating and cooling based on occupancy and weather conditions, all with a view to reducing environmental impact.

It also respects guest convenience as guests can manually override settings. This example highlights the ethical application of AI to balance operational efficiency with guest satisfaction and environmental responsibility.

What is the boldest prediction in the book?

As technologies continue to evolve, I boldly predict that AI-powered solutions will become integral to all aspects of cash flow maximization. Chatbots that express human emotions will become standard and provide instant and personalized interaction with guests during check-in or whenever the need arises. This could potentially improve satisfaction levels.

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An AI-powered system should prioritize guest consent, allowing guests to opt in or out of data collection and use. You should also clearly explain how the data improves your travel experience. For example, guests of a luxury hotel chain can choose to share their dining preferences for personalized restaurant recommendations, but also ensure that their information is used only to enhance their visit and is not shared with third parties without explicit consent.

Robots may not be taking over the hospitality world, but they are certainly checking us into our hotels.

* Director of the Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute, University of Florida.

2024-02-26 08:00:00
#hoteliers #future #preparing #Artificial #Intelligence #Sol #México


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