The format of weekends with sprint races should change

The International Automobile Federation (FIA), which governs the Formula 1 World Championship, proposed a change in the format of weekends where sprint races will be organized on Monday during its F1 Commission. From now on, free practice on Friday will be followed by qualifying for the sprint, whereas last year, qualifying for the Grand Prix on Sunday was contested on the first day of the weekend.

Saturday, which previously was devoted 100% to the sprint (qualifying then race), will now consist of the sprint race then qualifying for the GP scheduled for the next day. Like last year, six sprint races will take place this season, in China, Miami, Austria, Austin, Brazil and Qatar.

Four engines per pilot in 2024 and 2025

Furthermore, the body has decided to allocate four engines per driver per season in 2024 and 2025, instead of three initially, while the DRS (mobile rear wing which facilitates overtaking) can be activated from the second round of races and no longer from third like last season.

These measures must still be ratified by the next FIA World Motor Sport Council on February 28.


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