The Decline of the NBA All Star Game: From Greatness to Industry

In the 80s, among other discoveries that are not relevant to the case, It was known among the beardless people here that in a competition called NBA, apart from Abdul Jabbar’s role in Land As You Can, a basketball game called All Star was played between the players from the East and those from the West, without this being a duel between Soviets and cowboys. At first it sounded like Martian. everything i


TVE broadcast on a delayed Monday

(I think with narration by Pedro Barthe) a broad summary of one of those games. It was a trip to the Moon. J appeared there

Abbar with his glasses, Bird with his shot for adults, Magic Johnson with some passes made in Hollywood

Parish with a face to ask for passports and all the ingredients of

a serious basketball showcase

in which through the show they wanted to win because there was greatness and rivalry.

One day a phenomenon appeared on the basketball court to announce that thanks to a friend he had a video tape.

of an old All Star that had been played at the Lakers’ field. That was as valued as the plans of the Bank of Spain. We asked for the audiovisual device in order of threats.

When I inserted the tape, the Beta video started to sound like a train. After the doubts it could be seen,

with a lot of grain, another great game. It was the first coded broadcast seen in many homes.

168 triples launched

There are even legends about the boycotts that adorned that event.

Among them, Larry Bird didn’t even want to see Bill Laibeer, the Pistons’ bone-cruncher.

or that the former stars saw Michael Jordan as an enemy in the shop window. The solution was as simple as passing him a few balls.

None of that exists now. Whether due to fear of injuries, due to indolence of the players,

Due to the busy calendar or the tyranny of modernity, the All Star has been converted into an inappropriate festival for several decades. The last night the result was

211-186 in favor of the East, a figure that is anything but a favor to basketball

. Among the many details of the autopsy is that at the meeting

They called three fouls and 168 triples were launched.

In that festival of laughter,

the shot without marking and the mate without control

there is room for the industry


and a void of sport. The NBA, an entertainment factory copied all over the planet, must reinvent the formula to recover the All Star.

What’s happening now is neither serious nor basketball.

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2024-02-19 12:28:05
#NBA #Star #party


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