The Canadian Hockey Team: A Dynamic and Camaraderie-Filled Reconstruction

The Canadian Hockey Team: A Dynamic and Camaraderie-Filled Reconstruction

The Canadian, throughout its reconstruction, has become a young and dynamic team whose sincere camaraderie seems evident both on and off the ice.

It should therefore not be surprising to see the players having fun with each other.

Moreover, the pre-match routine between the tough Arber Xhekaj and his teammate Kaiden Guhle is, to say the least, unusual.

We can see Xhekaj take his stick upside down and take a baseball swing at the lower back of Guhle who is acting and falls on all fours on the ice before being finished off with a few more shots.

It’s refreshing to see this type of footage, proving that players are having fun and having fun with each other.

Clearly, the atmosphere currently reigning in the team’s locker room seems excellent, despite the results which are not always there.

The sequence also inspired Internet users who made a remix of it by adding a soundtrack. See the images at the bottom.

2024-02-20 02:57:04
#Arber #Xhekaj #Kaiden #Guhles #prematch #routine #special


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