The airy Brun, the Toulon melee with its head in the grass… The tops and the flops

The airy Brun, the Toulon melee with its head in the grass… The tops and the flops

By Sébastien Vau

Published now, Updated now

Le Brun shone, Priso and the RCT melee suffered. AFP / VALENTINE CHAPUIS / AFP / VALENTINE CHAPUIS

Castres Olympique won (25-17) this Sunday evening on their lawn against RC Toulon, at the end of the 15th day of the Top 14. Find the highlights and flops of the match.


Louis Le Brun aerial

Very good match from the Castres fly half. The Tarnais mischievously scored the second Olympian try of the match (22nd) and signed two penalties and two conversions on the CO’s three tries this Sunday evening. The player trained in Toulon showed himself, in addition to that, to be very efficient on these tackles (7 successful for only one missed). Despite several failures on penalties, Le Brun once again demonstrated all his talent and importance in this Castres team, at only 21 years old…

Levan Chilachava off-road

The right pillar of the CO was extremely solid throughout the match, against his former club. The Georgian scored the first try of the match (16th) and brought down one of the best scrums in the championship until his exit in the 57th minute of play. Just before the hour mark, the Castrais thought he had scored a double but his try was logically refused for an illegal position in the ruck. At 32 years old, Chilachava shows that he still has the appetite.


The Toulon melee with its head in the grass…

Usually one of its strong fists, the RCT sank this Sunday evening in the melee. Pierre Mignoni’s men suffered from the 83% of scrums won by the Tarnais, who were much more solid and compact. The Rouge et Noir were, overall, too clumsy and penalized in this match (9 times).

… accompanied by a (still) non-existent game plan

For the umpteenth time this season, the Rade players seemed totally disorganized. Like Le Brun’s try (22nd), where the Toulouse three-quarter line made up of Smaili and Fainga’anuku (who have no reference point together in the center) seemed completely lost. The latter was fooled too easily by this action and shows far too much laxity and passivity. As against UBB two weeks ago, the Rouge et Noir greatly lacked control this Sunday evening to bring back a point from Pierre-Fabre.


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