STVV Defeats KV Kortrijk – Haruya Fujii’s Own Goal Makes the Difference

For the first time in 5 matches, bottom KV Kortrijk was unable to score a point(s). A Japanese made the difference for STVV, but one in a red shirt. Haruya Fujii was the schlemiel with an own goal.

Man of the match: At STVV today we mainly paid attention to flashes from the young top players. Steuckers occasionally produced beautiful heels and passes, Koita was his ever-threatening and dangerous self, Smets proved why he attracts attention at home and abroad.

Key moment: The mediocre match did produce an assist for Koita. Just before half time he was allowed to kick a corner that Fujii was unable to clear further than his own net. A Japanese who scores in Stayen, there is not much news about that.

Remarkable: It is Alexandersson’s fifth match in Belgium, but the first in which his team does not score any points. With Union, Mechelen, RWDM, Antwerp and Anderlecht, a tough end to the season follows, these points were necessary to retain.

A party that doesn’t really deserve winners. That is a fair description of the spectacle this evening in Stayen. Both sides couldn’t really be dangerous or show really coherent football.

You had to wait until the second half to get a shot on target, but in the first Fujii helped his compatriots further. Pirard tried, but had no chance on the Japanese’s headed ball.

The rest brought little improvement, on the contrary. The goalkeepers played themselves into the spotlight with clumsiness and could have given away three goals together. Once we were watching, they both also made a save. About the only two of the party.

Stayen revived for a while with the substitutions of Kaya and Barnes, who are mainly known for their missed opportunities. Both proved that, especially Barnes missed a big chance.

Due to the minimal difference, the final phase remained exciting, with STVV that gave up points too often at the end this season. The Truienaars got through the extra time with shaking knees, but without any injuries.

Only a miracle will now keep Kortrijk out of the play-downs. STVV has a view of the top six, although it still has to play against three top teams. Until the last matchday battle, that’s for sure.

2024-02-09 21:44:00
#STVV #teaches #Kortrijk #losing #sniffs #top


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