Stefano Viezzi Claims Cyclocross World Championships in Tabor

Cyclocross World Championships: juniors

11:00 Tabor

The first world title on day 3 of the Cyclocross World Championships in Tabor (Czech) goes to the Italian Stefano Viezzi. A day before his 18th birthday, he took full advantage of a flat tire with top favorite Aubin Sparfel from France. The Belgian juniors did not appear in the piece.

From heaven to hell.

Two days ago, 17-year-old Aubin Sparfel was the hero of the French nation when he outpaced a seasoned professional like Cameron Mason in the victory sprint.

The eager Sparfel wanted to hang a second rainbow jersey in his hotel closet. But a flat tire at the start of the final lap made his dream evaporate.

The Italian Viezzi, the only one who could follow Sparfel until then, thus received the world title on a service platter.

Although he made it difficult for himself in the final round. Viezzi made one mistake after another. Grist to the mill of the Dutchman Keije Solen, who rode the cobblestones out of the field to get to the front.

Viezzi ultimately held out and gave Italy its first cyclo-cross world champion since 2005. Unlucky Sparfel fell just outside the medals.

The Belgians did not play a significant role: Arthur Van den Boer finished 13th, Mats Vanden Eynde 14th.

Vanden Boer (13th) is disappointed: “Not a great feeling”

Stefano Viezzi couldn’t believe his eyes when he crossed the line first. “It still has to come in,” said the emotional Italian, who will celebrate his 18th birthday tomorrow.

“It was my goal from the start to become world champion. I am very happy that I achieved that goal.”

First Belgian Arthur Van den Boer (13th) started on the front row, but quickly faded away.

“I didn’t have a good start in the field. I was behind someone who hit the brakes and then they passed me on all sides,” he said.

Van den Boer also suffered a puncture. “In a fast bend I drove straight into a stone. I immediately had a puncture. The ruts on the course are a bit deeper, so the stones rise more.”

“I don’t have a great feeling about this, but it was an experience to be able to start at this World Cup.”

Cyclocross World Championships results

nameresult1in 42’01″2in 9″331″448″51’02″61’17″71’25″81’35″91’43″101’47”

Phase by phase

Belgians in top 15

Arthur Van den Boer and Mats Vanden Eynde finished together in 13th and 14th respectively.

Long live Italy

Viezzi completed his nerve-wracking final round well. He crosses the line in disbelief, the Italian will soon be allowed to sing on stage.

The silver goes to the Dutchman Keije Solen, home rider Bazant is third on the podium. Sparfel is the unlucky one of the day and falls just outside the medals.

8 seconds

Solen removes the stones from the field and now approaches within 8 seconds again. But the harbor is in sight for the Italian Viezzi.

Viezzi now seems to have secured his world title. Solen drops back to 11 seconds.

Nervous Viezzi

It has been since 2005 that Italy delivered a world champion in the field. And that causes crackling in Viezzi’s head. He makes one mistake after another.

That is grist to the mill of the Dutchman Keije Solen, who is approaching 11 counts.

It seems settled

It is particularly sad for Aubin Sparfel, who gave a better impression than Viezzi. But it is the Italian who is on his way to glory.

Sparfel is eaten. If you can’t handle it, don’t watch.

Paul Herygers

Situation after 3 of the 4 rounds

1. Viezzi (Ita)

2. Sparfel (From) up 9″

3. The Sun (Down) up 28″

4. Bazant (Tsj)

5. Philipsen (Den) up 45″

Sparfel is leaking

Disappointed for Aubin Sparfel. Just before the start of the final lap, the French top favorite suffers a flat tire. It is another 5 minutes’ drive to the material post.

Sparfel makes a hole

Is the spring slowly starting to break at Viezzi? In the winding zone, the Italian sees his rival Sparfel getting smaller.

The Belgians

As expected, our two compatriots do not play a significant role.

Belgian champion Arthur Van den Boer occupies position 12, Mats Vanden Eynde is just in the top 15.

Fight for bronze

Behind the back of the leading duo, the battle for bronze seems to be a duel between the Dutchman Solen and the Czech Bazant. But they are not allowed to play much poker, because top talent Albert Philipsen is on the way.

On the cutting edge

Viezzi and Sparfel go to the edge and put their elbow. It is a mouth-watering battle.

I don’t think Viezzi knew much about it, because he left the cheese on his sandwich.

Paul Herygers about elbow duel between Viezzi and Sparfel

Situation after 2 of the 4 rounds

1. Stefano Viezzi (Ita)

2. Aubin Sparfel (From)

3. Krystof Bazant (Tsj) on 12″

4. Keije Solen (Down)

5. Senna Remijn (Ned) on 27″

The Italian Viezzi grimaces in the wake of Sparfel and now even takes over from the Frenchman. We’re almost halfway there.

Attack Sparfel

No sooner has the ink on our pen dried than there is Sparfel again. The Frenchman drops another bomb. How many strings are left to his bow?


Leaders Sparfel and Viezzi remain brotherly together. The Frenchman’s desire to attack seems to be waning somewhat. Or is that a snapshot?


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