Sports Summer Camp Fosters Friendship and Athletic Development for Young Athletes

Despite the crowds, the group split up perfectly on the first try, the result of the regular participation of children in these events organized for 30 years. For Louisa, a 12-year-old middle school student, this internship allows her to meet up with her friends in a setting other than school. With Tess, her best friend of the same age, they form an inseparable duo to the point of wearing the same clothes and saying similar things. “I much prefer playing sports to being in front of the screens,” says the first. “Especially when it rains like that, staying at home is depressing,” adds the second.

My mother pushed me to come because she didn’t want me to spend my week in front of the screens.

First racket sport of the week for these young athletes who try badminton

Marius Caillaud

The badminton tournament begins. The youngest try as best they can to return the shuttlecocks to the other side of the net. It must be said that they are facing a much more seasoned opponent. Timothé, 14, is the oldest member of this session and also one of the rare participants to discover sports holidays. A tennis and swimming enthusiast, he was not behind his registration. “My mother pushed me to come because she didn’t want me to spend my week in front of the screens. She works next to the gym so she drops me off every morning. At the start, I wasn’t too motivated, but it’s still sports days so I’m not complaining.”

Especially since the program is rich. Before the big Olympics which will close the week on Friday, they will have the opportunity to discover padel or kinball, a Quebec team sport played with a ball of more than one meter be in diameter. “We try to offer them sports that they don’t know,” explains Philippe Rabaute, sports instructor. The goal is to see a little bit of everything without being limited to what they can do all year round. »

The young people from Cognac tackle the climbing wall at the Claude Boucher gymnasium.

Marius Caillaud

Transmit the values ​​of sport

In the corner of the gymnasium, Mickaël Groo, sports instructor in charge of courses since the 2000s, supervises a fierce duel between two young people on the climbing wall. He asks them to remove one support, then another. The first to fall loses. After a minute of play, he was forced to declare a tie. “They always give their all, but they have difficulty managing their efforts. They have barely settled down before they do something else. Even during the calm time of the lunch break, they find a way to do sport,” he quips.

With these different games, both individual and collective, the two educators hope to transmit values ​​of mutual aid and effort to young Cognanais. “These moments allow them to develop a collective spirit which serves them on a daily basis,” recalls Mickaël. That’s the spirit of sport! We can come from different backgrounds and have the same pleasure.”

Philippe Rabaute and Mickaël Groo are the two sports educators for this week of training

Marius Caillaud

The editorial team advises you

However, of the 22 young people registered for the week, none are from the Crouin district where the gymnasium is located. “Is it a question of price? [75€ ou 90€ pour les non-Cognaçais, repas non compris, NDLR] or culture?,” asks Philippe Rabaute. “Honestly, I don’t know. But, with the disappearance of Aserc, what is certain is that these young people will have fewer and fewer possibilities. »

2024-02-21 07:11:44
#VIDEOIn #Cognac #young #people #active #holidays


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