Sint-Truiden Takes on Anderlecht: A Clash of Playing Philosophies

Next Sunday, Anderlecht hosts Sint-Truiden. The Canaries have radically changed their face this season.

Last weekend, Anderlecht is far from having delivered its best performance of the season but won 1-3 in Charleroi. After the opening score, the Mauves suddenly fell back and abused long balls. At home, the situation may be different. However, Sporting’s future opponent presents a playing philosophy much more focused on ball possession than that of the Zebras.

Since the start of the season, Thorsten Fink put the ball back at the center of the debates, but if certain risk-taking still raises eyebrows: “Everyone was critical at the start, I was a little under pressure the first weeks. But we are in the centenary of the club, so we absolutely wanted to bring something beautiful” he explains to Belang van Limburg.

Sint-Truiden will want to deprive Anderlecht of the ball

Beyond the symbolic aspect, the German coach above all wants to remain faithful to his game plan: “I have always pursued possession football in my other clubs. The owners of Saint-Trond also hired me because they knew that. I didn’t invent hot water, but I will never deny my approach to the game”.

In the first leg, Anderlecht suffered at Stayen. Reduced to ten following the exclusion of Anders Dreyer, the Mauves won 0-1, notably thanks to some high-flying saves from Maxime Dupé. Kasper Schmeichel will he also be requested?

2024-02-14 22:00:00
#Anderlecht #deprived #ball #match #football


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