Saxony Braces for Stormy Weather: Strong Winds and Rain Expected

Dresden/Leipzig/Chemnitz – Uncomfortable weather in Saxony! The German Weather Service (DWD) warns of a storm for Sunday night.

From Sunday 10 p.m. to Monday 10 a.m. there is an official warning of squalls in large parts of Saxony. © Screenshot/WarnWeather app

From 10 p.m. onwards, strong gusts of between 60 and 70 km/h can be expected in almost all parts of the Free State (except Plauen), and up to 85 km/h in exposed locations over 600 meters. There is even a threat of hurricane-like gusts (up to 130 km/h) on the Fichtelberg.

The minimum temperature at night is 9 to 6 degrees, in the mountains it is 7 to 4 degrees. The rain is increasing.

The new week also starts dreary, wet and windy. The storm warning is in effect until 10 a.m. Even afterwards, a fresh southwesterly wind with strong gusts is expected to occur. The daily highs are between 10 and 12 degrees.

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The following night will remain free of precipitation at 8 to 5 degrees and moderate to strong winds. A few showers will follow again on Tuesday. Temperatures remain mild at 10 to 12 degrees.

The gusty conditions will continue – also on Wednesday. Further information about the weather at:

2024-02-04 14:54:00
#Storm #front #rolling #Saxony


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