Samuel Umtiti Faces Long Absence After Knee Surgery: Uncertain Return to the Field

Barred by competition since his arrival last summer, Samuel Umtiti is not about to return to the field. The LOSC central defender underwent knee surgery on Wednesday. And according to coach Paulo Fonseca, the French international is not at all certain of playing again this season.

The ordeal continues for Samuel Umtiti. While he thought he was free of his knee problems, the Lille central defender had to return to the infirmary. The northern club had not communicated about his absence for almost 10 days. But this Friday, Paulo Fonseca put an end to the suspense at a press conference. The LOSC coach revealed the surgery Samuel Umtiti underwent this week, as well as a possible absence until the end of the season.

Umtiti towards a long absence

« Samuel Umtiti underwent surgery on Wednesdayannounced the Portuguese to the media. It went well, he must now recover. I don’t know yet how long he will be unavailable. If it will be long? Maybe. Honestly, I don’t know and I don’t want to say anything because I don’t know. He may have the opportunity to play again, but it’s difficult to say, it will be a long time. » Assuming that the Lille resident obtains the medical green light before the end of the exercise, the time necessary to regain his sensations risks distancing him from Paulo Fonseca’s plans for many months.

Especially since Samuel Umtiti (2 starts in L1 this season) is not at all a starter in the mind of his coach. Since his arrival last summer, the 2022 world champion, hampered by his knee since this coronation in Croatia, has never won. The pair composed of the Brazilian Alexsandro and the young Leny Yoro completely blocked it. It remains to be seen whether we will see the former FC Barcelona player again in the Dogues jersey. Under contract until 2025, the 30-year-old central defender was already the subject of rumors of departure this winter.

2024-02-16 19:30:55
#season #Lille #longer #counts #Umtiti


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