Rucker Prepares for Home Match Against Andrea Costa Imola After Tough Loss

Having postponed the joy of a victory on an important pitch – in Jesi they were really close to it, with less than brilliant percentages, given that the regret for the missed opportunity increases -, captain Chiumenti and his teammates will return to the pitch on Sunday at the Zoppas Arena where they will host the Andrea Costa Imola.

Sixth back, Rucker is third with 30 points, behind Ruvo (36) and Roseto (32) while AC Imola is in ninth position with 22 points, in the second round after the first three defeats (Fabriano, Ruvo and Padova ) is on a positive streak thanks to the last two home victories with Bisceglie and San Severo.

In the first leg the Emilians won 84-83.

Scarfò from Reggio Calabria and Migliaccio from Catanzaro will referee the match.

The pre-match of the match against AC Imola together with Stefano Laudoni.

What are your first impressions of the team and environment a week after your arrival?

From the coach to the teammates, they are all positive. We work a lot in the gym, my integration is progressing positively, I’m very happy with the choice I made and the fact that we have ample room for improvement, considering that there are still many games to play, including playoffs. I’m motivated and I’m really trying hard to give my best.

A match not to be underestimated awaits us on Sunday, at home against Andrea Costa Imola. What match are you expecting?

I wasn’t there during the first leg but my teammates spoke to me about the opponents and their value. The match is delicate, we certainly have the objective of putting aside the defeat in Jesi and taking back the two points in front of our fans, the Zoppas Arena must remain untouched and represent our sixth man from now until the end.

RUCKER press office

2024-02-10 10:38:45


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